Chapter Four: The Beginning Of The Worst First Day Ever

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Elias, who seemed to have already accepted his new life and situation, walks out of his new room with confidence partly because of his plan of survival and the other part because he was both happy and excited about his new body that fit him better than the old one. With confidence in each step he makes sure to take in his surroundings before he realized that he in fact didn't know which way to go but since the young, still tence, 'maid?' he questioned to himself hadn't said much about it he let his shoulders relax thinking that he might be walking in the right direction after all.

So now all he needed to do was to position himself behind her so that he could follow her. This, as it turns out, was better said then done.

He slows his pace down and tries to let her walk a little faster then him, but she too slows down to match his pace, he makes a pained expression which he wasn't too sure if she could see or not but he did so anyway thinking to himself "Aaak! Please just ignore me and walk faster. "

He tries again and again but the, unexpectedly, attentive girl slows down too till they're both walking at a painfully slow pace.

'Ok I'm ganna have to play a little to get behind her.' He decides and than quickly speeds up which causes the girl to flinch in supprise but quickly hurry after the young boy. They speed walk for a while before Elias makes an abrupt stop which the maid hadn't expected so she ended up walking up next to him before stopping. The girl quickly tries to walk back behind him but much to her supprise Elias too steps backwards with her. They make eye contact for a second before looking away in embarrassment at the situation they found themselves in, well more like the situation Elias put them in.

Embarrassment took hold of his cheeks and caused them to go pink again.

Elias could only wonder but at the same time dread to think of what was going through her mind this entire time.

Elias makes a move to go forward and the maid seeing this attempts to move behind him as he stepped forward but Elias realizing what she was about to do and in a bit of desperation swung his foot back to walk backwards with her.

So now the two had both just stepped backwards together. Awkward, would be an understatement. Elias was truly a tomato at this point and time, as his cheeks, no his face turned a shade of red. On the other hand the practically mute girl had a mixture of both dread and confusion etched into her face.

So they tried again, and in unison walked backwards.

Then again.

And again.

Anyone who saw this had to have been quietly snickering at them. Elias preyed no one saw this god awful situation he put himself in, he knew if someone did he was sure he would never live it down.

Honestly at this point Elias was starting to lose hope. How does one get out of such a situation which they themselves walked into. This was going down as his first embarrassing moment in his new life, he only wished it didn't happen on his first day but damn, it seems the universe wanted to make fool out of him.

Elias takes a deep breath recognizing that he would have to ask her to lead the way unless he wished to further embarrass himself. So with an embarrassed and timid voice he spoke to her once again.

"Umm, c-could you please l-lead the way?" he sputtered out only a little above a whisper, but it was audible to her at his side.

"Oh! U-um of course!" she frantically responded in her high pitched voice not expecting her young master to speak up. Honestly part of her was relieved that was all he wanted and not what she had originally thought, which was that he was trying to get her in trouble for walking ahead of him, but a part of her too questioned why he wanted this but she chose not to voice this question much to the relief of Elias. Instead she relinquished any and all distracting thoughts and focused on the task at hand, not fully convinced that her young master was not trying to get her in trouble, so she would make sure to do it perfectly!

Elias' face began turning back to normal as they started walking, this time forwards and with the maid walking ahead of the young master.

He tried to stay close behind but found himself mesmerized by the houses interior décor occasionally stopping to admire a painting or vase, thanks to this the journey to the dining room took longer than needed, but it shouldn't have been a journey to begin with. It took a ridiculously long time to get from point A to point B. Elias wondered what they need this much space for, seriously no one needed a house this big with this much space, not even a family of 15 needed it. He sighed recognizing that he would have to learn to navigate here if he was going to live his quiet and peaceful life here.

But soon they found themselves in front of large dark brown doors. "We're here, young master." The young maid informed.

"Ah, thank you." He greatfully and shyly thanked.

She swung the doors open and stepped aside to allow him entery into the dining room.

Elias is taken aback by how beautiful everyone is, he had noticed this earlier in his room but the people here seem to be fairly attractive in their own way. But this family though was truly gorgeous!

perhaps this is what the writer envisioned when they wrote their story? Or maybe this world had already existed before the story was even written and the story was in fact a retelling to the events that were to happen? But that was another can of worms to open and frankly he wasn't going to open them. There was no reason to do so anyway, it's not like he had anything to go back to other than his comfortable lifestyle and electronics.

But the point is, this family is made up of living artworks.

Only four out of the six people seemed to egnolage his presence though, those people were two young boys whom Elias assumed to be his half brothers, an older and handsome man who had to be his new father and a stunning dark-skinned woman. The other two who ignored him entirely were another young but certainly older boy who Elias recognized to be a one of the male leads and a pretty blonde woman.

One of the boys that acknowledged him looked to him in a mixture if amusement and almost an impressed face.

"So you've decided to show your face?" the boy asked a rhetorical question, his voice smooth yet high pitched. He looked to be in his teen years so perhaps it was puberty.

"Your late." The new father informed, his voice was cold and divoide of any love but it was also low making it more attractive. But what Elias noticed were his grey eyes, aside from being beautiful, they were familiar. Not in that he had seen them before, no he had never seen eyes quite like them, but it was the look in them, he'd seen that look before. Then an image of his former father came to mind and everything clicked. The look the duke gave him was the exact same look his former father gave to him on multiple occasions when they tried to mend their relationship, cold eyes devoid of any affection. Elias felt chill down his spine so he reassured himself.

'This is fine... we can work with this...' he thought to himself not fully believing in those words. "Good morning." he responded politely. He went to sit three spaces from one of the boys thinking that if he was disliked it's best to put some distance between them.

"I was hoping you wouldn't come." The closest boy to him said with disappointment lacing his voice. The boy for his age was actually quite handsome. He had a tiny scar on his sharp jaw, his eyes were a beautiful gold that seemed to shimmer ever so slightly that were framed with sharp eyes, he had black short wavy hair, and his smooth looking dark olive skin made his eyes stand out even more. The other boy who spoke to him first and sat next to the boy closet to him also looked identical to him but he had longer hair and his eyes were paler than his but also seemed to shimmer as well. It was clear these two were twins.

"Certainly would have been a nicer morning without you." Again the boy who spoke to him first talked.

Elias didn't know how to respond so instead he decided to focus on his breakfast that had been placed in front of him. Based on this situation he could only pray his situation wasn't completely and utterly hopeless.

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