Chapter 6

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I exhale deeply, letting her know that I'm here. I can feel her smirking face on the other line, and chills run down my spine. Hannah stays silent. I knew that she was waiting for a response, slowly, but surely, I build up the confidence to say, "Hannah..." In a hoarse voice.

She scoffs, in a mocking way. "Clever." Her voice was smooth, like an angel, but she was far from angellic. 

"What do you want... How did you get my phone number..." I manage to let these words escape my lips, but they still came out in barely a whisper. 

"I have my connections." She chuckles a bit, and for a moment, clicking noises rang in my ears over the speaker. She was texting. I hear a small sigh before she speaks again, "Did you check facebook?" She asks.

"No... No why?" I ask. My heart starts racing, and my face gets hot. I know nothing good can come of this. 

Then, nothing. The call ends. I look at my phone for a moment, then drop it. I stand up and stride to my computer, which sits neatly on top of my cedar wood desk by the window of my room. As I pull out the chair, it creaks, and I sit on the chair. It was unconfatorable, but it worked for the little time I spent doing my homework or drawing there. I sit still, staring at the blank screen.  

I push the power button, waiting for it to turn on. I look down to the sticky notes that were placed on my desk, with little things that I needed to remember to do after school. I pick them up, crumple them, then toss them into the small trash bin beside my desk. When my computer manages to turn on, which seemed like an eternity, I log in with the user name, "Karma10092" and enter my 4 digit passcode. 

My heart stops as soon as I get to Hannah's page. "Hannah G. Claudius- Posted Earlier Today at 2:03 p.m." Two photos and a video were posted of me, sitting on the stairs, blood running from my nose and around my lips. My knees and hands were scuffed up and I looked at the camera, the first I looked confused and the second my cheeks red and tears were welling up in my eyes. My hair was out of place, and my clothes looked messily thrown together. I was sitting on my knees, and there were little droplets of blood scattered around my pale body. My body was almost dead-looking. I was thin, bones showing in places, with dark circles under my eyes, and my skin was palish green due to the lack of food.


I blink, then take a breath. I don't even dare to watch that video. 

When I click on the comments, they consisted of things like:
Poor girl, maybe if she wasn't such a clutz then she wouldn't have so many scars.
Isn't that the weird girl from school, Karma? 
Lol, this is great!

I looked and looked again. I scrolled down, skimming the comments. I dont know why I had, because I knew it would all be over soon. I was about to close out of the tab, tears still in my eyes, when something cought my eye.

Jackson Mavis
Youre all pathetic losers. What did the poor girl ever do to you? Be different? Well, get over it! Because if you hadn't noticed, everyone is different in shapes, sizes, skin colors, hair, weight, etc. Why do you insist on making fun of her and taunting her like this? I suggest you take these down. Now. 

I stop, and my dark hair falls in front of my face. I take a moment, then push it back behind my ear, shaking my head. He doesn't care, really. I say to myself. 

I close out of the tab, then shut my computer slowly. Barely enough strength to, I stand up, and walk back to the bathroom, knees shakey and weak. I put my hand on the knob, as my vision starts to go blurry. I drop to the floor. 

Everything is over. Is the last thing I think to myself before I black out. The last thing I see is my room, with the dark tan carpets, and my bed frame in the corner, its floral print almost flawless. There were a few things scattered around like video game cases and book pages, crumpled papers. My door slowly opens, and I see someone standing in the doorway, but I can't quite recoginze who they are. 

Then nothing. 

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