Chapter 4

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My eyes widen in realization that he's going to spot me, I turn on my heels quickly to make a dash for it, but with my balance, I trip and crash onto the floor. I cringe in pain, landing on my knees and falling onto my stomach, and let out a high-pitched yelp. The boy's pace didn't change, so he obviously didn't hear me. Yes. I thought. I can still make a run for it... 

I stand up, only to find myself come crashing down once more. Before I knew it, the dark-haired boy was parallel to me, our legs touching. I look over at him, hearing him groan in pain. "S.. sorry..." I say in almost a whisper. 

He looks over at me, raising a brow but shakes his head, and says in a low tone, not the flirty one he had been using with Hannah or whatever her name was, "Its fine, I didn't exactly notice you there." 

My eyes flicker away from his icy blue eyes to the worn out floor, "That's okay, not many people notice me anyway." My voice came out more depressed-like then I intended it to be, and it wasn't loud enough to be audible. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that." He replies standing up and holding out a hand to help me up aswell.

I bat my eyes, puzzled. Why is he helping me? aren't the people who hang out with Hannah jerks? I then shake my head, and take his hand, and he pulls me to my feet. He's strong for his body type. He looks scrawny but he could just pull me up like a feather, then again, I dont exactly weigh much. "Um...." is all I can manage to let escape from my quivering lips. 

He lowers his head a bit, still looking me in the eye, which was probably the longest time anyone looked me in the eye. Even my own father couldn't. 

Father wasn't around much, he was usually drunk, high, bringing a strange girl home, or just absent from the scene all together. He doesn't really have very good coping skills, which I don't see why any girl would want him at all, besides the fact that he had money burning a hole in his pocket constantly. He was a tall man, but kind of pudgy, he constantly had stubble, but only bothered to shave it off every month or so. His hair was a dirty blonde, and his eyes blue, nothing like mine. He had a rounded face, and he usually didn't have an expression apart from anger, because he was an abusive drunk, so I usually avoided the house when he was home. 

I took most of my looks from mom, who had died around three or four years ago, and would also explain why father turned out the way he did. Mom, was a pretty figure, though, she was short, it didn't fault her beauty in any way. Her hair was a dark, chocolate brown, almost black, and it was usually curly. Her eyes were hazel, so they were constantly changing from brown, and green due to her moods. Her face was slim, and the only piercings she ever had in were dangly, silver and ruby ear rings she got for her and fathers anniversary. 

"Hello?" The boy says waving his hand in front of my face. 

I blink, then look at him, "Hm? Sorry.." My voice still came out as only barely a squeak. 

"Are.. you okay?" he asks me, with a concerning look. 

This puzzled me also, why did he even care? "F..fine." was all I could say. 

He nods, then looks around, awkwardly for a moment before speaking again. "My name's Jack. Well, actually its Jackson Mavis Wills, but Jack will do just aswell." I nod in silence, I havent told anyone my name here since I started school, people just kind of found it out for themselves. "Uh, do you have a name? Or should I just call you 'uncoordinated'" He chuckles a bit, trying to make the situation less awkward, but it wasn't exactly working.. 

"My name is Karma.." I reply in a shakey voice, looking at my sleeves and fidgeting with them.

"No. Your full name."

My eyes flicker up to his, he's only standing a few feet away from me, but it seems like he's closer, which puts me a little on edge, "Um.. Karma Misery Lancaster..." 

And for the first time in what seemed like years, I see a smile, not a taunting one, like Hannah, or a smart- alec one, but an actual smile, one that says to me, "Nice to meet you, I hope we can be friends."

I cringe, hearing Hannah's voice yelling out the name, "Jack!" over and over, I look around in panic, but the voice gets louder, and I make a dash for the stairs. About halfway down, I look back, seeing the concrete stairs only behind me. Then, that was it. I trip, falling face first into the hard, cold concrete. As I sit up, I can feel warm blood trickle from my nose, and I can taste it in my mouth, but I didn't really care about that. A high pitched laugh echoes a few feet from me, I jump at first, then turn to see Hannah smiling and snapping pictures of me, "Say cheese!" She yells at me, "Annnnd post." She says clicking her phone. 

No. I think. This is the end. I try and hold back tears in my eyes, my face burning red by now. She turns on her heel and walks away at that. All I can do now, is end this. I don't want to live. I think to myself. Then just take those pills. Do what youve so longed for. The voice beckons still, ringing in my head. Do it. 

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