Two Lies and a Truth.

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"You're sure that's what she said?" Noah said slowly, he just couldn't wrap his head around it.

"Yeah man. She told Priya that if she wants to pick me, that she'll be fine with it, because she and I are only in a friendship couple, and she doesn't want me missing out on the opportunity to find love, just to keep her safe. In fact, she made me promise that if Priya picks me, I have to give it a chance between us" Bobby replied, watching Noah curiously.

"I just... I guess I just don't understand why she would put herself at risk like that" he said thoughtfully.

"In case you haven't noticed mate, Selene's just that kind of woman. She stepped aside for me to have a chance with someone I fancy because she likes you man. And even if she didn't like anyone here, I get the feeling that she'd do the exact same thing" Bobby shrugged.

'Wait, Selene likes me? How is that even possible? She's clearly smart, passionate, caring, and I'm just a librarian. How would that even work? She'd be out of the country for half of the year' he pondered.

"Man, stop getting stuck in your own head. I get that you've never been in love before, but you do know the signs of when a girl likes you, right?" Bobby asked, sitting up on the daybed.

Noah frowned and shook his head.

"Ok, do you know the signs of you yourself like a girl?" the baker asks.

"Yeah... I think so?" he replies.

"So when you like a girl, do you get the whole sweaty palms, butterflies in the stomach, heart skipping a beat thing?" Bobby asks, his honey eyes lighting up.

"Honestly?" he asks, hoping Bobby won't take the mickey while the baker nods his head enthusiastically, "I've only ever gotten any of that around one girl."

"Selene" Bobby states knowingly.

"Yeah, Selene" he can't help but smile.

"Well bud, I'm glad to tell you the good news... You like her. Like, really like her. As in, more than a friend?" Bobby prompted.

Noah smiled as he thought back to that morning, her rushing out of the bathroom, colliding with him, her soft, supple skin beneath his fingers, and their almost kiss.

"I need to ask you something. Did Selene mention anything about Hope and I being... you know, not downstairs this morning?" he asked cautiously.

"No, I don't think so... All she said about you and Hope was that it's too early to be as attached as you two seem to be" Bobby shrugged.

"Really? Why would she say that?" he asked, frowning slightly.

"Erm, because we all only coupled up yesterday, and already you and Hope are acting like a married couple?" Bobby challenged.

"That's a fair point, I guess. I just... I dunno... I guess I feel safe with Hope, whereas Selene makes me feel like I could do anything, if that makes sense?" he asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I think I get you... She makes you feel like you could be more, or do more, or be better" Bobby states matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, that's exactly it! But Hope feels familiar... It's like she accepts me for who I am, and speaks up for me when I can't find the words, or makes decisions for me if I'm struggling" Noah says thoughtfully.

"And Selene?" Bobby asks.

"Selene?" he confusedly replies.

"Yeah, what does Selene do for you?" Bobby presses.

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