2 - You Again

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I walked onto the school campus, generally ignoring the world of post-pubescent teens around me. I made my way to my locker and quickly entered the combination. The door swung open. It was extremely bare inside, but that was to be expected. I smiled as I shut it a few minutes later and walked to my first class of the day.

Later that day, during a break I sat down on a bench and read the story I had written. It wasn't finished yet, but I liked rereading it whenever I could so I wouldn't have to when I worked on it. Someone sat down next to me, and I felt the eyes of practically everyone in the school staring at us. I turned my papers over so whoever it was couldn't read them and looked up.

"Oh, you again." I said. I then thought about something, a question burning in my mind because of it.

"I feel insulted." My follower replied. I laughed a little, amazed at how fast he could make me happy. Ever since the divorce, I had become lost in my world of sadness.

"So, how did you find me? And how did you get in here?" Niall smiled at me.

"It's amazing what happens when I drop my name." He whispered in my ears. The bell rang and people slowly walked to their classes, still watching us. I collected my stuff and stood up.

"I'll be home later. You just tell my mom no problems came up today, okay?" Niall continued sitting.

"I will when I go back." I smiled and walked off to my next class, wondering why this was happening to me. I seemed to be wondering about stuff quite a bit today. I slid into my seat and zoned out for the rest of class.

When I got home I went straight to my room. I dumped my stuff on the bed and went back downstairs to the store. I stocked the new shipments as I randomly danced around the store, making sure to never crash into any customer.

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