7 - Summertime Sadness

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To the few people still reading this book, thank you. I know it isn't very good. Recently it hasn't really been going anywhere so I'm going to jump a few months later. Basically One Direction has continued on their tour and Azalea and her mom haved moved to a new place. Read on to find out what else has happened in a few short months.

"Kiss me hard before you go..." I sang along to the radio as I drove along a back road. I continued singing as I grew closer to my destination. I parked my car and got out. I walked over to the cliff and stood on the edge. I spread my arms out and closed my eyes, embracing the cool breeze. I thought about what had happened just a few weeks ago. The cops still hadn't figured out who had shot her, but I knew. I knew how I envied his accent because of how beautiful it made my name sound. I didn't understand why he would kill her, the woman who had brought his child to life. I would probably never know now.

I was just about to do it, ready for the fall that would end with me lying, dead, on the ground. Then my phone rang, the music filling the comforting silence. I pulled it out and answered it when I realized who it was.

"What do you want?" I asked. I had tried to call them, but I never got them and they never called back. I had thought that maybe they would let me talk with them. Maybe they would be able to help me. They had known her, if only for a few days.

"Don't do it, please don't do it." I recognized the accent, although we had barely talked.

"Do what?" I tried not to let my fear show in my voice, the fear that he knew what I was planning. The fear that someone I had barely spoken with could know that I had been about to do it.

"You were about to do it, weren't you? Where are you?" I stepped away from the edge and started walking back to my car.

"I'm coming home Louis, you don't have to worry about me. If it makes you feel better I'll meet you at the McDonalds that's not very far from where I am. We can eat greasy foods while talking about my feelings." Normally I would never had suggested meeting somewhere, but I didn't want to go back home. That was where my mother had been killed, and I hadn't been there in forever. Even if I went inside I avoided her room. I would move somewhere else but that would mean packing up all of her stuff. I walked over to my car as I told Louis the address of the nearby McDonalds. I hung up and tossed my phone into the cupholder as I started my car and drove away from the cliff. I turned on the radio, not paying much attention to it. I parked and walked into McDonalds. I got myself a McFlurry and sat down, waiting for Louis. I hadn't payed much attention to the media lately, but I knew that their movie had come out. I slowly ate, dreading Louis' arrival, since the whole band would probably come. A few people came in and I was just about to leave when someone sat down across from me. I glanced up.

"You can skip the whole speech, I'm here, aren't I? That should count for something." Louis had obviously gotten a few more tattoos since I last saw him, but I had also. I pushed my hair out of my face.

"We should've been there, but between time zones and the movie and the new albu it was impossible. We're sorry." I rolled my eyes as I leaned back, staring at the ceiling.

"Excuses, excuses, excuses. The time zone one is the worse, since I barely slept. Did I sleep?" I asked myself at the end, trying to remember. It was all this blur of 'I'm so sorry's and trying to ease the pain, no matter the cost. I went back to my previous position of looking at Louis.

"I'm a depressed suicidal mess because my mom died. Whoop-dee-doo. Maybe I'll restart my whole life. Who knows, I might even go by my first name, Charlie." I knew Louis thought I was probably drunk or high, or maybe even both, but I had stopped caring a while ago.

"Azalea you need help. Don't you have family or friends or something?" I shook my head. Louis had finally reached the root of my problem - I had no one. I had never really had friends due to constantly moving, and I had never met any of my family.

"I'm like the ugly duckling, but I haven't found the other swans yet. I just have to keep telling myself I'll find where I fit in eventually." That was what I told myself, but I had been doubting it recently.

"We'll be here for you."

"You shouldn't be speaking for them if they aren't here. Especially not now. I understand that they're probably sleeping or something but I want to hear it from them." I finished up my McFlurry and stood up, tossing it into the trashcan. I sat back down across from Louis.

"Look, Azalea, they're all sorry and stuff. Truthfully I'm surprised I'm even here. We're incredibly busy right now, with everything that's going on. We just don't have time for private lives. I have to go so I can get some sleep before our interview. We might be in town for a few days, so we'll try and visit you." Louis got up and I followed him out. As soon as we stepped outside it was apparent that someone had told the world that Louis Tomlinson was at McDonalds. We both looked down at the ground and I covered my ears from all the noise. I got lost in the crowd, but made my way to my car. I started it and turned on the music, driving back home. I hoped Louis would be okay, but I knew I wouldn't be able to get to him through the crowd.

My phone rang but I ignored it. If I was going to die tonight, it would be the way I wanted to die. Not too long after I was called I parked on the street and walked up to my house as I called the number back.

"Louis Tomlinson I could have crashed my car and died. And if I'm killing myself it is not going to be by crashing a car while commiting a crime." I opened up the door and turned on the light, locking the door behind me. It seemed so empty without my mom. I heard a laugh through the phone as I placed it on speaker phone.

"That would be quite the article though. Louis Tomlinson saves girl only to be the cause of her death just minutes later." I smiled a little as I hung up my jacket

"I called to ask what your address was. Since we need to know where you live to visit you." I told Louis my address after waiting for him to get a pen and piece of paper.

"Call or text me before coming since I actually do this thing called work. I have to go so I can get some sleep. See you soon." I hung up on Louis before he could say anything else. I sat down on teh couch and turned on the tv, eventually falling asleep with Supernatural on the tv.

I woke up around eight o'clock the next morning. I was going to be late. I quickly changed and grabbed my keys and phone before rushing out the door. I started my car, and left for work. I went as fast as I could, thankfully there wasn't a lot of traffic. I parked my car and pulled my hair up as I ran towards the bakery I worked at. I hated my job, no one hear trusted me to do anything except clean up their messes.

"Hurry up Azalea, you were supposed to be here ten minutes ago." I knew better than to reply and explain why I was late. I pulled on my apron, which wasn't even really put to use. I started putting down the chairs that were on top of the table. The bakery didn't open until eight forty-five, which meant I only had five minutes to get it ready for the day.

Five minutes later I had somehow managed to do something that normally took my fifteen minutes. I unlocked the doors and turned around the sign in the window so it read open. I then go behind the counter and sit by the telephone, waiting for the first order of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2013 ⏰

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