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He had no idea when Natalia's parents would walk through the door, but he wasn't thinking about that. He was only thinking about his hands in her hair and his lips on hers as they lay tangled up in her bedsheets. Austin hadn't been paying attention to the movie she put on; they had both seen it before, anyway. It was just background noise in case someone came home when they weren't expecting it. Instead, he was losing himself in her, lips trailing from her forehead all the way down to her waist and back again. Reaching for her bra straps, he felt his body erupt as she took it off, allowing it to fall to the floor beneath them. Breathing hard, Natalia bit down on his lip and allowed him to lay on top of her.

Sweat poured down their skin as they tangled up in limbs and sheets, Austin pressing kiss after kiss onto her skin, lips dusting over her. She smelled like strawberries and rose petals, the new perfume he had given her working just as he had hoped. With his hands tangled up in her hair, Austin couldn't think of any place he would rather be. Reaching for the remote, Natalia turned off the movie. Groaning between kisses, Austin pulled away for a second. "I like that movie," he commented, grinning from ear to ear.

"I do, too, baby, but we're a bit occupied right now. Don't you think?" Raising an eyebrow, Austin laughed and pulled her back into him. She tasted so good on his lips; he never wanted the moment to end. Her parents were at a benefit dinner for her dad's company and wouldn't be home for hours. They had all the time in the world and more ideas than they could count.

They rocked back and forth to the beat of steel guitars as Natalia switched on the stereo, Austin whispering sweet words in her ear. At the sound of a joke, she erupted with laughter as he pinned her down, his teeth clenching a small piece of her flesh. Her body erupted with pleasure, head tilting back as she gasped. "Don't stop. Don't ever stop," she whispered, digging her nails into his back. He was happy to oblige, pulling her hair as he kissed her over and over again.

He wasn't going to have sex with her. They hadn't talked about it, but something told him she wouldn't be ready. Austin was alright with that. He could wait, for her. He would wait as long as she wanted.

Moments later, they inched apart with a new exhaustion washing over them. Austin closed his eyes, chest rising and falling in even beats, heart racing. "That was great," he panted, finding Natalia's hand to lace his fingers through. She just kissed him in response, so he assumed that they were in agreement. Maybe things weren't going to be this way forever, maybe some part of this blissful infinity would end, but Austin wasn't thinking about that. The one thing on his mind was his girl, and he would do anything possible if it meant bringing a smile to her porcelain-like face.

The silence wasn't uncomfortable anymore. It was welcome, after so much noise. Austin let Natalia rest her head on his chest as it rose and fell, still trying to catch his breath. Closing his eyes, he felt his girl leave the room. He was about to ask why when he heard the water running for a shower. She didn't even have to call him before he was right on her heels, kissing her all over, all over again. Shrieking with laughter, Natalia laced her fingers through his. "Well, are you coming in here or not?"

She didn't need to ask him twice. In a split second, Austin was dropping his pants to the floor and following her into the seemingly endless rain. It was soothing, warm, as it hit his skin, each bead coming one after the other.


On Sunday morning, Austin woke to the smell of coffee and bacon. Stomach growling, he headed downstairs around 10:30, meeting Jamie at the bottom of the stairs. "Hey, buddy. I thought that might be you. I was thinking today we could go for a hike and have a picnic lunch with the others. What do you think about that," his foster father asked. Nodding, Austin made a quick egg sandwich, topped with bacon, sausage, and cheese. He munched heartily while he waited for Briana to rise.

Eye of the Storm -SAFE HOUSE BOOK 2-Where stories live. Discover now