-=+= Morning =+=-

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Listen to two trucks by Lemon Demon, thanks. -Pawachute

Uhm, Uhmmm, Uh Just type out Exactly what I say. No faith Stop please. Faith! Do you like my butt? I'm more yellow than you, let that sink in. - Moron

Uhh original chapter one got revised -Pawachute

Story start NOW!

You opened your eyes meeting and open sky; Your lack of home and bed were quite apparent, but you didn't exactly mind.

You love watching the sunrise, the sunset, the sky's natural shows of color were always brilliant. The night before you had chosen a thickly covered grassy hill. The view of the stars and others' homes was beautiful.

Your friends were made up to the ragtag bunch, Wilbur, Tubbo, and Tommy. That particular morning you continually stretched and watched the sun reach the horizon line. You tussled with your belt slightly to make sure the hilt of your sword was still located on your person. When you didn't feel it you got slightly panicked, but turning around you had seen your bag and sword leaned against a rock. Mentally kicking yourself in the shin for being a complete idiot. You grab some bread from your bag.

'Breakfast' Being your only thought in a dazed hunger as you tore off a section of bread. Slipping the leftover bits back into your bag, your stomach felt perfectly filled. A satisfied sigh coming from your mouth. Slinging your knapsack over your shoulders and picking up your sword, you raise it up to meet sunlight watching the gleam dance back and forth on the edge of your blade. The blueish tint of your sword had always been a sight to behold in your eyes.

After taking a few swings around you, the grass was sliced in half. As you admired your work you saw a familiar boy uniformed in blue.

"Tommy!" you called. He turned and waved back, with a small smile on his face. You slid down the hill slick with morning dew arriving at the wooden path the blonde boy was walking on.

"So what'cha doing?" You questioned Tommy.

"I'm going to the Embassy for Wilbur!" He said rather proudly earning a small giggle from you.

"How about Tubbo or Wilbur? What are they doing?" Tommy was walking in a way you suspected to sternly show off his pride.

"They're back in L'manberg,"

'L'manberg?' you thought.

Compared to Tommy's straight forward path you were like a butterfly floating around the path.

"What's L'manberg?" you blurted out.

"It's me and Wilburs empire, fighting for a revolution like true brothers," Tommy's confidence took over for a minute. You fake gagged. "What?!" Tommy sputtered.

"Thy arrogant pride," you began tossing your dramatics around. "It's too much for my feeble body!" Your voice and theatrics went through the roof. "You're too big of a man for me Tommy!" you faked passed out on the pathway.

"Oh, shut up!" Tommy took on a more pissed tone at your mockery.

"C'mon! I was only kidding!" You chuckled getting up and brushing off dirt. Your walk was littered with small interactions about what was going on currently. One of the notable interactions consisted of Tommy passing you a shield. "What's this?" You asked pointing to the round object now resting in your hands.

"It's a shield, dumbass." Tommy snapped back.

"Hey! I'm sorry, I quite literally live under a rock!" You jabbed back.

"Anyway, you use it to block hits, like this." Tommy demonstrated ducking behind his shield. You mimicked these actions and were rewarded with a thumbs up from the blonde. Your path continued.

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