-=+=- Pigeon. -=+=-

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Author note:

Pawa: 2536 words. Short chapter after a long break :( I blame moron. Anyway fanfic starts now!

L'manberg wasn't exactly what you had imagined, but at the same time, you know you probably shouldn't have expected something so grand. However, to give yourself some credit, the walls were big and from the outside, it looked intimidating. So, you were expecting something a little more on the impressive side when you first set foot on the grounds of the country.

There was a shack that held supplies, a small making of a house and a van with a... hug flaming wiener on it? You weren't sure that the wiener was about, but you just rolled with it.

Afterall, L'manberg was a new found nation that was run by a man that fucked a fish and Tommy. Your hopes had been a bit high for such a place.

Just then, you remembered a certain someone: Tommy. The two of you had been jumped, chased, kidnapped, and beaten and here you were thinking about how your expectations for a country Tommy built were not met.

Bolting up from the tree that you had slept against the night before, you raced towards the nearby buildings in search of Tommy or WIlbur or anyone who might know where Tommy is. He was around this place somewhere and you would search the whole nation to ensure his safety.

Wilbur had told you he was fine and had somehow made it out from Dream's captivity, but you needed to see him standing before you, healthy and happy. Right before your very eyes before the storm in your mind can calm down.

You were running around the nation aimlessly, searching in the building nearby did nothing for you except finding Wilbur and his son talking about his fish ex-wife. You excused yourself, deciding you'd rather find Tommy yourself than hear about Wilbur's grief after his wife suffocated to death. Fundy only looked at you with a pleading look on his face. You gave him a good luck salute and dipped as fast as you could.

The rest of L'manberg's limited buildings didn't catch your attention until your eyes landed on the wiener van. The energy of Tomminnit just resonated off the van so you went for a closer look. Approaching the van, it gave you a lot of chaotic Wilbur and Tommy vibes so, it didn't hurt to check it out. It was like a literal beam that emulated their personalities.

With a small laugh of amusement, you knocked on the door of the van. You were tempted to just push it open out of impatience, but you decided not to. For all you knew, this van could be profound evidence of an illegal drug lab and you would not like to be caught in the middle of that.

On the inside of the van, you could hear a bit of rustling which was followed by harsh shushing. A pitiful attempt at getting whoever they were trying to shush to shush. Finally, you heard fragments of a tiny argument in the back of the van.

"You go open it."

"Me? Why don't you?"

A moment passed of the bickering before the door finally swings open revealing a boy dressed in the same blue uniform Tommy was in along with Wilbur and everyone you had seen upon your arrival of L'manberg (save for Fundy who decided to make his own, innovative uniform). Meeting the boy's eyes, you recognized the boy to be a good friend of yours.

"Y/N!" The boy greeted you with such a friendly grin, your heart felt warm.

"Tubbo!" You beamed with joy. You hadn't seen Tubbo in such a long while, it was nice to see him again.

With a small arm gesture, he led you inside. "Come on in, come on in! Welcome to the Camaravan!" You entered the van's diver's seat. It was a little cramped with the both of you there. "Let's go to the back, yeah? A bit tight up front. Plus, I believe there's something you'd like to see!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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Messenger Pigeon. |Dream(dwt) x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now