-=+=- Dove. -=+=-

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You gained your consciousness, waking up on a cold smooth stone floor. It was a nice feeling for your aching muscles and sores. You bled in several areas and you estimated that you broke something, but you decided to ignore those for now.

A loud crash rang from the walls from what seemed to be coming from the room next to you. A yell followed shortly after. It sounded a lot like... Tommy? You panicked.

More pounding on the brick wall, then silence.

Worry took hold of you immediately as you awaited for more sounds to indicate Tommy was all right. If Tommy were to die right now, that would be devastating for not just you, but Wilbur and Tubbo as well. Your heart felt heavy and sank into your stomach. You swallowed even if your mouth was dry.

You look to the door opening it a crack as there was no locking mechanism. Strange.

You searched further around the room. You took notice that your bag and sword were gone. Any belongings that you may have had were taken from you.

Now deciding that the room was no longer interesting, you pushed the door open slightly, trying to make not the slightest sound.

Having no idea where you were terrified you. The most you knew is that you were on the enemy ground and that you needed to find Tommy and get the hell out of here.

Perking your ears up to try and look for the source of any sort of indicator on where you were, you picked up on distant voices. They were from the hall down. You assumed that's where all the noise was coming from beforehand.

Swaggering down the hall, you advanced quickly toward the door. Immediately, you heard a familiar voice. "All right, but hear me out, big man," letting out a sigh of relief, you recognized the voice to be Tommy. From the sounds of it, he was fine. He was his loud, abrupt self as always. "The discs, they're mine. However, if you allow L'manburg independance, I'll allow you to listen to them with me. How's that sound, ay?"


"No, Tommy, keep talking. It makes me aware of your status," you mumbled quietly to yourself, silently praying it would make its way to the boy. You put your ear up against the door. Perhaps he was whispering and you simply couldn't hear? Again, nothing.

A moment passed and then suddenly, you heard an incoherent sentence followed by several pleads which were accompanied by noises of someone being beaten. The screeches that came from inside sounded higher-pitched and more childish. It was definitely Tommy.

You let out a small meep of terror. Tommy was being beaten on the other side of this door by who you can only assume to be Dream and there was nothing you could do about it.

You sat and continued to listen to this for a whole two minutes, tears pricking at your eyes, threatening to fall.

Wiping them away, you stood and began to prepare to go exploring for Tommy and your items. You decided you needed to get out of here while you still could and go search for help.

Two steps away from the door, the noise from the room stopped. You started to move quicker, but you suddenly heard it open.

An alarm in your head started blaring relentlessly, trying to tell you to do something. Instead of doing the only reasonable action which was running and finding somewhere to hide or a weapon to defend yourself with, you turned to face Dream, staring at him with his hellish-looking mask on.

His mask had blood on it that you had to assume was Tommy's. His fists were clenched at his side, obviously bruised and bloodied from the previous actions he performed on the poor teenage boy.

Messenger Pigeon. |Dream(dwt) x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now