II | Paintbrush | SFW

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My headcanons for Paintbrush! Not requested. :]
I may be self reflecting on a few of these-

1. How do they feel about people shorter/taller than them?
Them being 7'1, no one else is taller than them. They like picking up anyone shorter than them if said person is comfortable with it.

2. What are they like on social media? (What's their username, profile pic, etc.)
Their profile picture is probably an aesthetically pleasing nature picture with the nonbinary flag colors. They'd probably have a name like 'nonbinary_artist' or something like that. They definitely post pictures of their art on their social medias. They may also have a private/non art account as well.

3. Their gender identity? (Pronouns, amab/afab, etc.)
They're nonbinary, they/them pronouns only. I headcanon them to be AFAB, having gotten some testosterone shots which caused their voice to be a bit deeper.

4. Their sexuality?
They're probably pan, not leaning any way.

5. Preferred weather?
They enjoy rainy weather, sometimes thunderstorms if they're in the mood for it.

6. What's their sleeping schedule?
They try to sleep early and get up early, but Fan usually disrupts that due to his late night schedule. When that happens, they'll stay up late and draw, probably also blasting music which annoys a few of the hotel occupants.

7. Favorite music?
They enjoy lo-fi the most, but they also like some louder music.

8. How's their cooking?
They can cook, but a few things they aren't good at. Like pasta. They either undercook it or overcook it.

9. It's movie night, what movie do they pick?
Disney. They really like disney.

10. How would they hold up in a pillow war?
They would be alright starting out, but eventually surrender, having low energy due to their low iron.

11. What's their sleeping position?
They like to sleep on their back, sometimes their side if they can't get comfortable.

12. Who do they go to for comfort?
Lightbulb. If Lightbulb isn't around, Fan.

13. Something small that they enjoy?
Nature and stars. They love to just sit at the window and watch both.

14. How do they feel about physical contact by others?
They do not like physical contact unless they're comfortable with the person.

15. What is enough to bring them to tears?
Anything to do with their hair getting messed up.

16. Biggest pet peeve?
People chewing with their mouth open. It makes them very annoyed.

17. How well do they take care of themselves?
They take care of themself pretty well unless they're getting into a depressive state.

18. What's something they like that may be surprising to others?
Stars. People know they like nature a lot, but when they mention stars some people get a bit surprised.

19. Do they consider others family?
There's only a few people they somewhat consider family. Soap is one of them, as she's been the only good mom figure they've had.

20. Any bad habits that they have?
Biting their nails. When they stressed they begin to bite their nails a lot.

21. What's their idea of a perfect vacation?
Somewhere quiet in a small cabin in the woods.

22. Do they get lost easily? Will they ask for directions if they are?
They're actually pretty good at directions. If they were to get lost, they'd probably ask somebody for help.

23. The strangest thing they have ever seen?
Probably Balloon and Nickel holding hands. It was one time and they had the most confused look on their face.

24. How well do they accept advice?
They'll only accept advice from certain people, anyone else they won't take it.

25. How much do they swear?
They only swear a lot when very annoyed or in a bad mood/feeling sick. They do swear in their day to day life, but they don't swear too much.

26. How do they take advice given to them?
They take it well from people they trust/are comfortable with.

27. Do they like being in pictures?
They're fine with being in pictures as long as their hair looks good.

28. Is there anything they're bad at?
Not really. They're not good at everything, but not bad.

29. What's their morning schedule?
They'll usually get up about 7:00, get a shower, brush their hair and get ready, then go downstairs and get breakfast from Soap.

30. Any past injuries?
They probably have a few scars from picking fights in school when they were younger, but other than that, no.

31. Something that disgusts them?
When people they don't know or aren't comfortable with touch them.

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