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Requested by Chxrry--bxmbs

1. How do they feel about people shorter/taller than them?
They're short. Like.. 4'11, 5'0. If someone teases them, they'll bite that bitch-

2. What are they like on social media? (What's their username, profile pic, etc.)
They definitely use emoticons and they have a profile picture which is a colorful heart aesthetic, maybe with a picture of themself in the middle. Username would be something lowkey cringey.

3. Their gender identity? (Pronouns, amab/afab, etc.)
Nonbinary, they/them pronouns specifically. I'd say afab?

4. Their sexuality?
Bisexual, nonbinaries and females <3

5. Preferred weather?
Sunny, clear days. Rain occasionally if they're in the mood.

6. What's their sleeping schedule?
They definitely stay up late, but somehow wake up early??

7. Favorite music?
They like all kinds of things, but I'd say lo-fi is one they especially like. Very comforting and nice with rainy weather.

8. How's their cooking?
They can cook somethings, but probably end up messing something up every now and then. Not amazing, but not horrible.

9. It's movie night, what movie do they pick?
Horror. It scares them, but they love it anyways. When not in the mood for that, comedy!

10. How would they hold up in a pillow war?
They will win. No matter what, they will win. They are absolutely determined.

11. What's their sleeping position?
On their side, pillow between their legs, also hugging another pillow. Maybe on their chest if they feel like it.

12. Who do they go to for comfort?
They have a few people they'll go to. Naily, Cake, Book, Pillow, and Bomby. Naily first, but sometimes they'll have group comfort sessions. :D

13. Something small that they enjoy?
Decorating. They just kind of enjoy that. Whether it be cookie decorating, or decorating their room, they enjoy it all!

14. How do they feel about physical contact by others?
They're only comfortable with certain people.

15. What is enough to bring them to tears?
Insults towards them or their friends. They're a bit sensitive towards things.

16. Biggest pet peeve?
Other people not cleaning their mess up. The least people could do is clean up after themselves, right?

17. How well do they take care of themselves?
Pretty well, unless they're in a funk. However, that's pretty rare.

18. What's something they like that may be surprising to others?
Horror movies. When they tell people that, they seem to be very surprised.

19. Do they consider others family?
Certain close friends they do consider family.

20. Any bad habits that they have?
Not understanding others feelings immediately and trying to speak for them.

21. What's their idea of a perfect vacation?
Nice little cabin in the woods, maybe in a snowy area?

22. Do they get lost easily? Will they ask for directions if they are?
They do. They probably get shy and don't wanna ask for directions afterwards.

23. The strangest thing they have ever seen?
Lava? It isn't exactly 'strange' but it was very interesting.

24. How well do they accept advice?
They're a bit stubborn about it, but eventually they will take it.

25. How much do they swear?
A lot. But mainly only when mad or needing to express emotion somehow.

26. How do they take advice given to them?
They will say 'mhm' and then not listen to it at first. Eventually they will.

27. Do they like being in pictures?
Only when they're good looking. If it's a bad day, they won't want to.

28. Is there anything they're bad at?
A few things. Speaking, but only because their ADHD acts up and they'll start talking before their brain responds.

29. What's their morning schedule?
Get up, lay in bed for a while, then finally get up.

30. Any past injuries?
Not really. Maybe a few scars from kid shenanigans.

31. Something that disgusts them?
A few normal things disgust them. Nothing specific I'd say.


I self projected so hard on this because PRICE TAG-
they just.. i love them and maybe i kin them :shy_fingies:
hopefully you like this!! im working on another chapter for knife from ii and im not using a preset thingy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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