The Underground Temple

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Daring Do climbed down the rope.

"I guess I can't take a break from adventures, not today at least." Daring Do let go of the rope and looked around. It was dark since the worker with the flashlight walked off to do whatever so she had to light a torch. Once the torch was lighted she looked up and saw a dead pony corpse stuck to wall with arrows going through it's back and out it's front.

"AHHH! Oh wait, it's just you." She glared at the lifeless body. She saw three of them in the room and didn't feel like looking at them anymore. Ancient walls were covered in carvings of words and ponies, and of course cobwebs. Daring Do blew part of it and coughed from the dust entering her lungs.

She then pulled out a book that can translate things. She flipped through the pages but found nothing that looked like the symbols on the walls. She looked around the room some more and saw a doorway and walked through it. When Daring Do entered the room the door shut behind her. She took a deep breath and continued forward while holding the torch in her mouth.

She came to a stop. This room was filled with coffins. They were oddly propped up against the wall in a row. Daring Do didn't think it looked safe so she found a fallen apart peice of the temple and threw it. As it bounced off the ground it split in two, going different directions. Once the smaller peice stopped spikes shot out of the coffin with a pony corpse attached to it.

A few seconds later the spikes slowly pulled it's self back into the coffin with the dead pony slowly, very slowly, turning it's head to her. Daring Do stared at it feeling uneasy to the sight of that. She turned her attention to the bigger peice. Nothing happened to it. She threw some more peices to see where it was safe to go. When finished she saw a pattern. There were two safe spots on the left side of the wall and one on the right. This pattern continued.

Left, left, right, left, left, right, left, left, right. Daring Do followed this pattern and almost got hit a couple times but she made it to the next doorway. She walked in the room and began to sink into something. "Oh crap! Quicksand!" Daring pulled out a whip and used it to help her out. She climbed up it until she was able to get on a platform above the sand. She saw a lever and flew over to it, pushed down on it. Then the Quicksand slowly went down into a small drain at the bottom of the floor. The hole was fifteen feet below where the quicksand was.

There was a doorway that was hidden in the quicksand and Daring Do flew through it. Another room but it had two doorways. One leading to freedom above and one leading deeper into the temple. The odd thing was that this room seemed harmless. Until she stepped into the light. Arrows shot from inside the walls hitting Daring's hat but nothing else. Daring Do new she should get out but she wanted to find something like an artifact first so she went through the tunnel that lead deeper into the underground temple...

(I'll make sure the next chapter is longer ok?) 

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