Chapter 1

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Time slowly went by as I ran furiously in the tree filled forest. The wind called my name like something in a you would hear in movies. In my case, it was true. My thin jacket flew in the wind along with my navy striped skirt while my hair flew back and got pulled on by branches and twigs. I could swear I had some leaves makig theirselves at home in my hair, but that wasn't what I cared about. I just had to get away. Get out of this place they called home. I couldn't look back, they were after me. 

I hurdled over branches thicker than my body, until I tripped on one of them. My body was thrown by gravity to the many sheets of leaves. I went black for a second, but came back with people shaking me. There were many lights, it was almost blinding. I could faintly see Rylie behind everyone with tears in his eyes. He tried to hold them back, but it failed. I was beyond confused with what had happened. "Rylie!" I cried. He came up to me and kneeled down by my side. 

"Don't. Don't yell for me.. because I won't come." He said. 

"Rylie!" I cried out again, ignoring what he said.

"I said 'Don't yell for me.'" Next thing I knew was his hand on my face. He had slapped me so hard I was knocked out. 

* * * * * * * * * * 

I shot up with a dazed look. "Oi." I whispered so no one else in my old room could hear. "Not another one....." I put my hand on my face. I was sweating like I was actually there. Ignoring that, I threw my blankets away from me and got up slowly. I got dizzy easily so I take forever getting out of bed every morning. When I stood up I grabbed my end table to keep myself from falling. 

I managed to get myself to the bathroom. I took a warm damp washcloth and wiped my face lightly with it. After that, I went to see the time on my blue modern alarm clock. 3:35AM. Only a few hours until I get up for the day. I decided to spend those hours sleeping next to Rylie, my boyfriend. 

I left the room to go to the boy's side of the house. It was a good thing the floors were just redone so they don't creak everytime I walk to Rylie's room. I almost got caught once sneaking to his room. My excuse was going to the kitchen, but I got lost on the way there. That night was lonesome to me. I'm surprised the supervisors actually bought the lie I told them, considering I've been in this house since I was three and 14 years later would've seemed pretty suspicious. When I was 10, Rylie came to the house because his parents were brutally murdered by a psycopathic enemy of theirs. It was a shame to hear about it, but he was there almost dead in his mothers nonbreathing arms. He let it go and forgot about it when he met me. 

How he met me was an honest mistake. I was crying behind a tree because my sister had just died of Cancer and he happened to be crying on the other side of the same tree. By the end of the day we were crying on each others shoulders. Enough of that. 

His room was the first one on the left of the beginning of the boys' rooms. It was easy to get to which was a great thing if I would almost get caught again. His room had many things that meant a lot to him, most of it had to be pictures of his family before the commotion happened. One of his walls had quotes written with sharpie. His favorite quote was written directly over his head. In other words, on the ceiling. It was "If you can't bring back the past, you can't predict the future." It was true in a way that was almost regretful. 

I quietly led myself into his room. He was sitting up with his hands on his head. Something must've happened with him as with me. "Rylie?" I whispered. He looked up right away, almost relieved that I was with him. The moonlight hit his head at an angle that shined his brown eyes with every move he made. He gestured me to come to him. I came to him slowly, still as quiet as I could be. 

"Avery." He whispered to me as I sat directly next to him. "I can't sleep anymore. It hurts to sleep." The pain in his voice told me he wasn't lying. 

"Same dream?" I looked in his eyes. He nodded his head. "Me to."

"It hurts Ave. To even think about it. I can't do that to people. Kill them." 

"I know you wouldn't kill anyone. Lets lay down and try to talk about something else. Ok?"

"Ok." We both layed together. Not even two inches apart. It was too bad because I ended up falling asleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2013 ⏰

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