Chapter 23

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Kengkla POV:

I couldn't tell who slapped me but they hit me pretty good. My ears were ringing now along with my spinning head. I barely heard the voice yelling at me but I looked up between my swollen eyes and tried to correct my doubled vision. Techno...

My heart sank as my clearing vision recognized the look he gave me, hate filled regret. I didn't want him to hate me. I just wanted to control him, to want him, and have him...only for me. I glared as best as I could at his two friends. How dare they interfere with everything I had built? I had Techno where I needed him to be and now I have to start all over!

Techno POV:

'Don't look at them, you look at me!' I turned his head back to mine. 'Everything I ask, you better answer me. I don't know what I'm capable of. I've never been pushed this far, or hurt so much. I can only take this. I can't take more. I don't...' My voice cracked giving away my fragile state. 'I don't want to hurt you. But ... if that's how I get the truth be it.'

My heart exploded in my chest when I pulled my hand back to hit him once more. The look on his face dug into the shattered pieces. It was as if I was killing him.

'I'll answer. If that will make you hate me a little less. I'll tell the truth but you won't like it. So ask me anything you want. I prefer not to answer in front of them though.' He sneered at my friends again.

'Why? So you can lie I'm sure. That's all you do is lie to me Mr. Wolf. Like a fool I never doubted you. How silly that sounds coming from my own mouth.' I had to admit.

'Just ask the questions.' His eyes looked like puppy dogs, even swollen. Was this emotion real?

'Where's my mother?'

'She's dead.' He stated so matter of factly, I was slightly taken aback.

I swallowed hard. 'Where is she buried then?' Trying to get him to tell everything was like pulling teeth.

'In a cemetery. Anything else you want to know?'

I could hear sarcasm in his voice and I scoffed at it. At a time like this he still remains the same. I stepped away. 'Type, hit him for me.' Within seconds Type kneed him in the stomach sharply as if he were waiting for me to give the command. He hit him so strongly that his seat rocked and I had to grab his shirt to steady him so he wouldn't topple backwards. Mr. Wolf wheezed heavily trying to replace the air in his lungs. 'Answer.'

'And here I thought you loved me.' He gasped.

'I can say the same...' I paused for a moment, second guessing what I was doing until Type moved me out of the way and gave a well aimed kick to Mr. Wolf's crotch.

'Ahh, fuck!!!' He groaned loudly and essentially began to crack his tough exterior. After recovering, he began to speak low, but I could still hear him. 'She's buried not far from here. A good mile or so. I can show you where if you don't let this baboon kill me.'

'How do you know my brother...well...whoever he is?' I just wanted to know his part in all this. I had to know. If everything I knew was fake I would probably cry.

'He told you. We are old friends. He's your uncle. He doesn't really know much so you're actually torturing him for nothing.' He attempted to chuckle but I could tell it pained him to do so. 'He was actually trying to help me find your father. How far about this do you want to go hmm? It will tear your life apart if you know everything, so if you don't want to kill yourself I suggest you stop asking me questions, untie me right now and let me get the fuck out of here.' He looked up to me. 'Besides, being with me wasn't all bad. You enjoyed what I did to you. You ran after me as much as I ran after you. You were having the best time on the couch before your friends showed up. I bring you so much pleasure and I can continue if we can start over.'

It wasn't untrue. He did bring me pleasure but equally he brought me so much pain and despair that I would need counseling for years. I watched him silently as he continued to speak. He had taken any words I was going to say. I was beyond speechless.

'By your silence you don't agree? Alright then, your mother killed herself. She left us because she was a coward. She couldn't face the fact that I liked men too. When she found me sleeping around with guys she off'd herself. She was hanging in the bedroom right next to your crib. Is that what you wanted all this time to know? If you don't care, I don't care. I'll tell everything until I watch you hang yourself too.' His words turned strong and bitter.

'This guy is crazy...' Type burst out from his lips. 'Obviously he feels if he can't have you no one should. Don't listen to him, you're stronger than that.' Was I though?

'Continue.' I said weakly. Tharn gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder. 'Start from the beginning.'

It took a long time but I felt like he was telling the truth. He told us how he met my mother and uncle, how everyone hated him and that my mom was pregnant and she was very worldly and slept around with different men as did he. He explained that after I was born he was caught sleeping with Technic and my mother couldn't handle it so she killed herself. Also, how he tried to raise me but he was drugged and gifted me by her family. That part made a chill run through my body. How could someone even think to do that? He told me he was the one to give me up for adoption for my safety.

I didn't understand it.

If it was for my safety, then why was he here, doing all of this now?!

'When you came into my classroom, I didn't expect to see you. It was like you were being gifted all over again. The thought of you, the sexiness of you, it fueled the fires inside me that I let end the day I gave you up. It's disgusting,' he admitted to himself, 'I know it is, but I was drugged. It made me irrational, it made me need you.'

I felt even more sick to my stomach listening to his reasoning.

'Look, I'm sorry. I didn't intend to tear your life apart here, I originally just wanted to talk to you, to just...see you. But you kept being there, everywhere I turned. I just gave in. Technic was innocent actually.' I heard Type scoff in aggravation in the background.

I turned to Type, 'Take Technic to his room and fix him up.' He was a victim of this madman too. We all were. I felt a pang in my soul as I watched Type carry his limp body out the room.

'Who's my father? You mentioned he was trying to find him with you?'

He lifted his head high and smiled widely.

'I'm surprised you haven't guessed yet with your detective friends here. You really don't know?'

'I'm asking, aren't I?' I shook my head in annoyance.

'Well, Techno, you're looking at him.'

A/N: Ugh !!! That darn Mr. Wolf...well the end of the book is nearing. I still have a good surprise at the end so stay tuned. Probably two more chapters left to the end of this book! 

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