Chapter 4

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Techno POV:

I turned around in defeat. Here he was yet again after the practice. I was starting to feel like he was stalking me. I didn't want to appear scared so I walked closer to his car. I waved at him awkwardly.

'Hop in. I'll take you home.' That sweet smile hidden by another agenda greeted me.

'Uh...I c-can't.' I stuttered yet again. 'I mean...I'm...I'm meeting some friends.'

'Are you really or are you trying to avoid me? It's understandable. There's so much that can happen to you if people know what you've done.' Why did that sound like a threat? He looked scary as he stared through me. I took a step back in fear.

Just on cue I heard a whistle and I was joined by those in question. They were admiring our teachers rich sports car. How could he afford this on a teacher's salary anyway? Maybe he was just good at investing. Regardless, it was a very expensive car.

'Hi Mr. Wolf.' They wai'd at him and the look on his face changed to what I can only call 'the teacher face'. It was kind and smiling with a sparkle in the eyes that said that you could trust someone and that they were kind. In private I didn't see this look from him at all.

'Hello. Are you all ready for our first pop quiz tomorrow? Don't worry, it's just to see how much you know so I can personalize your studies to your strengths.' I'm screwed. They looked at each other then nodded. 'You all are my smartest students that I have noticed so I'm just giving a heads up. I'll be going now.' With that, he rolled up his window and sped away.

'He must not know you Techno.' Tharn joked pushing my shoulder.

I scratched my head in frustration. 'Shut up you.'

After a few seconds of silence Type asked, 'What's wrong with you?'

'Can we go sit in your car or something? I don't want anyone to hear.' I rushed out anxiously.

'Are you in some kind of trouble?' I nodded yes and he looked around to make sure no one was lurking about. Tharn followed looking concerned. I wasn't sure on how much to tell them or what I should keep to myself.

After we were all in the car with the windows rolled up I blurted out 'How do you know if you like men?'

'Huh?' They both said in unison. I swear this couple thing is annoying.

'I said how do you-' I tried repeating myself.

'I know what you said I just can't comprehend it. Give me a minute. Ok, why are you asking this in the first place?'

My intentions were to tell them the truth but instead I said 'I have a friend and he let a guy...jerk him off. He doesn't like guys but that one seems to get him to do things with him he doesn't normally do.'

Tharn chuckled but Type frowned.

'Does he force him?' Type asked.

'I don't know. He said on one hand he likes how he's feeling and he lets the guy do it but in the other hand he says he's not gay.'

'Does this friend feel the need to go to the police?' Tharn was oblivious but I think that his boyfriend caught on fairly quickly.

'No. No police. He's just curious of his sexuality. What should I tell him?'

'To be honest Techno, I think you like men. Don't worry. I was like you too but thanks to Type I'm definitely homo now.' I froze in my seat. Damn you.

Throwing my head back I cursed. 'You motherfuckers knew it was me this whole time.'

They both burst out laughing and tried to cheer me up.

'Well,' Tharn smiled at me punching my shoulder, 'welcome to the club.'

What? There's a club?

After expressing and talking over my feelings I was given a ride home. After fishing out my thanks I left the car and rushed into my house. I was so hungry from practice that I almost forgot that I needed to take my shoes off. I noticed an extra pair at the entrance way.

I rolled my eyes. Technic probably had a drinking buddy over again. That meant I wouldn't sleep much tonight. The house would be filled with whatever persons lustful moans. No one knew my brother like I did, and he usually kept it a secret, but he often experiments with men even though he has girlfriends.

I guess we have something in common even though we aren't related.

I'll just grab food and go to my room, I thought rolling my eyes yet again. That is until I turned the corner and saw who the guest was. My mouth slackened in shock when Mr. Wolf stared back at me.

'Good evening Techno.' A mischievous ear to ear grin plastered on his face. I was so fucked.

A/N: Lol poor Techno!

[Kengkla x Techno] My Teacher is a MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now