Chapter three

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"Sup cutie, where's Gee?" Ronnie winks as soon as me and Chris take our seats in the back next to him.

"Oh...yeah he's uhm...he's not here." I make a face that says 'welp'.

"Where's he at?" Ronnie ruffles his dark, neatly shaped eyebrows.

"He had to go away for a while." I shrug.

"Why? Where?" He proceeds to interrogate.

"Geez, so many questions from you today." I chuckle.

He scrunches his nose up in a playful manor, "Yeah, but you love me. Now answer my questions."

I sigh. "Uugghh, y'know Rons you're lucky I actually like you. And Gee had to go to a.." I trail off, getting quieter so that people around us couldn't hear. "..mental institution."

Ronnie raises his eyebrows. "Okay...not that surprising...but why? What'd he do?"

"I don't know...I asked, but he didn't tell me. I'll have to ask Mikes later, I'm sure he'll know. Then I'll text you." I pull out my green notebook that has the words 'CHEMISTRY' written on it in thick, bold sharpie.

"Alright, cool." Ronnie directs his attention to Chris who types something in his phone before setting it down.

They make eye contact and Christ smirks, "Sup."

Ronnie ruffles his eyebrows with a smile at Chris, nodding before he turns to me. "Who's the stranger?"

"Oh yeah! Rons, this is Chris Motionless. He just transferred here." I turn to Chris, who's now paying attention to our conversation, "Chris this is Ronnie Radke."

"Soo, how did you find him?" Ronnie asks.

Chris interjects. "Some dude had him pinned to a wall, and it didn't look like pip-squeak here wanted that, so I told the asshole to get off him."

"What'd the dude look like?" Ronnie leans back in his seat to get comfortable.

I answer the question for him, "It was Brendon. He just won't leave me alone. And now with Gee gone, who's gonna stop him from harassing me?"

"Well, it seems to me that our groups newfound addition will." Ronnie cocks his head at Chris.

"Oh for sure. I'm not gonna let that asshole get anywhere near you. He screams future pedophile." Chris makes a face of disgust.

"He already goes around harassing everyone." Ronnie points out.

"That justifies my words." Chris hums. His phone goes off and he answers. "Wassup, Fucker?...Nah, I'm in class, where you should be...Oh...Nah, I'm getting along just fine...I've already found one...No, not like that, but that might work...Okay, that's a dumbass question. Why would I just straight up do that?...Yeah and look crazy? No's not even like that, and I'm sure even if I did propose that idea, I'd be shut down real quick...Why? Because who would want to go through that? Not to mention the situations a code Orange...yep, but it's, just not present...Away for a while...I don't know about it that much...No clue why either, I'll figure out detail later...Alright cool, I'll call you later...bye." Both Ronnie and I stare at him in question. "Oh my buddy, Ricky, wanted to know where I was. I guess he ditched today and thought I was too."

Ronnie has a skeptical look on his face. "What we're you guys talking about?"

"Oh." Chris chuckles, revealing more of his teeth than I've seen. I must say they' "Nothing serious. He was making stupid jokes, asking if I've found a job and stuff."

", what's a code orange?" Ronnies skepticism lightens a bit.

"Oh, it means that we're about to be evicted. Yeah he's the one with the job, but I recently quit my last one, so incomes been down a bit. We made a giant list of color codes for things, but that's what that is."

"Oh...well if-"

"Your teeth are very sharp." I cut off Ronnie.

Chris smirks, but hides his teeth a bit. "Yeah I know. They're great when I eat meat." He bites the air to make the noise of teeth hitting teeth.

"Ooh, you're like a vampire." I giggle jokingly.

"Yeah, I am.." He trails off.

"Did you just call yourself a vampire?" Ronnie asks.


"Yes he did. Leave him alone. He's a vampire now, weather he likes it or not." I interject.

" I-..I'm not a vampire. They don't exist." Chris rejects.

"Well, you are now. I like vampires, they're really rad. I wish I were a vampire." I chirp. "That'd be rad."

"No it isn't." Chris replies, pulling out his notebook and flipping to a random page.

"How would you know?" Ronnie questions.

"I just do." Chris shrugs.

"I don't think so." Ronnie argues.

"Why not? Are you a vampire?" Chris smirks.

"Well, I'm not vampire, but I feel like one. Like, sometimes I sleep all day 'cause I hate the sun." Ronnie props his legs up onto his desk.

"Ah, I see." Chris nods.

"So we should talk about vampires the whole class period." I propose.

"Sure." Ronnie agrees.

"I guess." Chris shrugs.

And that's exactly what we do, we talk about vampires and how cool they are. How cool it'd be to be one. After the bell rings I turn to Chris. "Time for Math."

"Damn, you have math before lunch? That sucks balls." Ronnie chuckles, packing up his things.

"Eh, I've always been good at math." Chris puts away his notebook and grabs mine, watching as Ronnie exits the class before turning back to me. "Hurry kid, we're gonna be late."

I growl at the nickname, "Grrr, c'mon, it's this way." I grab his wrist and try to pull him out of the classroom, but he doesn't budge. I turn around and look at him. "Ughh, what are you doing? You said to c'mon."

"Let go of my wrist like that. You don't get to drag me around like I'm a puppet." His voice is calm, but stern, scaring me a bit.

I instantly let go of his wrist, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

I put my head down in shame only for Chris to grab my chin and bring it to look up at him. "It's okay, now let's go."

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