Chapter 15:Impossible

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Rosie's Pov.

Today is the day of the war. We are all ready to fight. We have already sent the youngest of the pack to the basement because they won't be fighting. Crystal is fuming she is so mad that they killed her brother and she is ready to kill them. We don't know if it will only be them or if they are going to bring an army of bloodsuckers. Luke and Angel are here with Crystal and I they are ready to stand by our side and fight. Most of the pack is gearing up for the fight. I am ready to kill those bloodsuckers but the nightmare just keeps popping into my head. It worries me. The other thing that worries me is that we don't know what to expect so we could turn out losing a lot of our pack members. Crystal calls for us and she decides it's time to start heading to where the war will take place.

Zayn's Pov.

"Okay so does everyone understand the plan." I say to the guys. They all nod. Thank god we have went over the plan more then thirty times already. "Dallas don't forget to hide your scent and make sure your eye contacts stay in at all times. If they fall out your red eyes will show and that will ruin the whole plan." Louis says to Dallas. We can't risk this plan getting ruin. Once Dallas is in and he gains there trust back he will convince Rosie that vampires aren't bad. If this plan back fires we will have to do it the hard way and that would include hurting Rosie and that can't happen. We all sit there in the living room wondering how everything will go. Once Liam decides it's time to leave we start heading towards the 'battle field'. The battle field is actually the woods where we 'killed Dallas'. As we arrive we make sure Dallas is ready. He has fake cuts and bruises all over him. His lips is busted and his hands are tied up behind his back. We disguised him to make him look like his old self and to make it look like we treated him badly. We step out of the woods and into there pack territory. At the sight of us they all gasp.

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