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"We're going jet-skiing right?", I asked, excitedly.

"Yuh, but you have to ride with me because we only have two jetskis.", Hyunjin said

I grabbed onto the unwashed dishes, as the others cleaned up,

"Are you sure you don't like anyone?" Hyunjin gripped my sleeve, continue to follow me like a dog after I said no, I rolled my eyes and gave him the dishes.

"Do the dishes and shut up.", I groaned.

He placed the dishes down, as he grabbed my hands, making me look up at him. As he looked at me with those eyes that contain the entire universe in them. His plump lips were teasing me again.

"Do you really not feel a thing for me?", He asked, quite concerned.

"Hyunjin.", I took his hand off of mine as I made him sit on the couch. "Look, we've been friends for years, maybe even a decade now. I love you, as a friend.", I assured him, nodding my head.

"That's not what I meant!" He sat up again, I could see the difference within our heights.

"What did you mean?"

He grabbed onto my waist and hugged my tightly. He placed his chin right above my head.

"Don't you feel a little something?", I did. I felt butterflies, I felt happy, I felt safe, but those are all the things I always felt with him. Besides the butterflies.

"Nothing new?" I said,

"Never mind, sleep well." He said, releasing me.

I shrugged as he went to his room, which I shared with him.

After I finished washing the dishes, I came into our shared room with 2 beds, I could hear snoring coming from him. Throwing a pillow at him, he was still asleep, like a baby.


I was preparing for the jet skis, putting a bikini,

"Hyunjin, how's the look?", I asked, spinning around, his eyes open wide.

"What the fuck Y/N?", He grabbed the towel nearest to him, covering me up. "This isn't appropriate!"

"How come?" I asked,

"Others will see your body!", Hyunjin continued, "Including Seungmin!"

"And why does that matter? Don't they see my skin everyday?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"But I don't want them looking at what's mine!" He said, I placed a hand on my hips, looking at him up and down. Pulling my sunglasses off, I stared at him in the eye.

"What'd you say?", I asked, because he mumbled it.

"Never mind. Wear what you want.",

When he said that, he really didn't mean it, because he didn't talk to me for the entire day until we went jet skiing. I had to hug him from behind as the water splashed my face.

"We should go faster, don't you think?", He asked,

"Yes!" I held onto him tighter, I felt butterflies from my feet fly up to my heart, pounding as I got closer and closer to Hyunjin.

I could smell his natural scent, he filled me with joy. I wrapped my feet around his feet, because I almost fell off.

"This was your idea", Hyunjin went even faster, making me hold onto him even tighter,

The water splashed our faces, as he arrived to shore again.

"Hyunjin, I still wanna go for a ride!" I whined, pulling him back on,

"Then you drive this time, I drove your way here, and now I'm driving again.",

I went on first, as he came after me, holding onto my waist, as I started driving.

"You better hold on tight."

He held on to me tighter, placing his head on my shoulders. I pushed the engine, making water splash all over, laughing in joy as I teased Hyunjin, pushing myself back making him fall, but he didn't quite fall.

"Why didn't you leave everything up shore? What's in your pockets, it hurts my ass."

"Uhm...", He chuckled, "I don't think I can remove my private part.",

I stayed quiet the entire ride, until we had to speak. I quickly got off the jetski once we landed.

"Hyunjin..", I grabbed his shirt,

"What is it, I swear to god if you're cold"-, I nodded

"I'm cold,"

"I tried to tell you that you'll get cold easier if you wore that, but look, did you listen to me?", He scolded, as I pinched his chest,

"Are you gonna help me or not?"

"No.", He picked me up again, and threw me into the beach, as I swallowed salt water.

"Hyunjin, you."-,

I sat up as I pulled his leg down with me, landing him on top of him. He came in for a kiss, I closed my eyes, as his lips touched him,

"I like you. I really do, I'll give you the world if you want me to. I'll make your parents happy, and I'll provide you a wonderful husband.", He announced,

"I, I don't know..." I said, "I'm not sure. I really need some time to think about it.",

The rest of the day was quite, quiet.

It was too embarrassing for him to continue to talk to me I guess. Walking around in a bikini feels weird, but Hyunjin let me borrow his shirt without me asking, aren't we such soulmates?

"Thank you, Hyunjin.", I smiled,

"It's nothing, really." he pulled my hair in my face behind my ear.

"Any girl who marries you would be so lucky," I laid back in the sand,

"Oh..? How come?"

"You're rich, kindhearted, your dog is cute, and the owner itself is also cute.", I sighed,

"Then why don't you marry me? Don't you think I'm cute?", He asks,

"Guys, get up, we're going back home.", His mom said, I got up immediately,

And that was the end of it.

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