Chapter 5

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I woke up. My mother has always been a little cruel towards me.

There were times where I even thought she didn't love me, but she felt the most unimaginable pains at a young age, and I forgive her.

I hopped out of bed and went straight to my closet.

"Hmm what to wear what to wear?" I said to myself. Today was the day I would look for a job. I don't care if I look professional because Im not a 'professional' kind of girl. I grabbed my crop Neighborhood top, black high waisted shorts, and chucks. Simple.

I got dress, fluffed my curly fro, and went to wake everyone else up. It was 1:00 and they were all still asleep.

"Key, key, key key key,KEDA!"She opened up the door, her hair flying everywhere and this look that could kill stained her face.

"Its time to go job haunting, haha." She sighed, and started her morning process. I did the same to Mimi, got my coffee and traveled down to Dre's place.

"Makin a beat on the door
Dre knocked out on the floor
And he probably gettin mad
If he don't answer I'm calling dad
This is my morning rap
And that's a wrap
What,what! Haha."

I heard him chuckle and then I heard the lock click.

He was dressed.

"What was that Jae?"

"Forget the rap, what is this? Your already up!"

"Haha very funny,where are the girls?" I pointed upstairs.

"Imma go get them, you can wait in the car Gucci mane."

"Aight young blood" I said in my stuffy nose, Gucci voice.
I walked outside and the neighborhood was very alive. It's Saturday so kids were every where. I got in the car and plugged my phone into the aux. Realest in the city by PARTYNEXTDOOR played, and since today I chose to have the persona of a rapper I rap along. The girls and Dre finally came done. I drive off and disuss business.
" okay so Imma go uptown and we will split up, Dre you can keep the car." they nodded in agreement. looking at my phone I see its 12:13. "Dre park the car somewhere and text us where to meet you at about 3:30. "
" You sound like you're planing to rob a bank." Mimi said, that had us rolling.
I had Dre drop me off at this cafe Indigo's welcomed after he dropped Naomi at American Apparel and Keda at Forever 21.
I walked in and was immediately greeted by the delicious smell of coffee and the soothing sound of Sza's Child's play flowing through the speakers. This cafe is owned by two students at the college I'm going to enroll in. I sing along to Chance's part as i walk in when a waitress bumped in to me almost dropping a plate of French toast but I caught it surprisingly. "Omg! I'm so so sorry ." she said taking the plate. "It looks like you could use some help around here." We laughed together. I helped her the food to a table of three girls. A black girl with long curls, a white one who reminded me of the girl off of brave, and as Asian girl with long black hair and cute lips. They smile and thanked me. The black one bit her lip when I looked up to say you're welcome. I winked at them just to see what would happen. As I walked away I heard them giggling I've never really had that effect on.... how do I say this girly lesbians" she so sexy." One of them said, I assumed it was the black girl cause she had that Harlem accent. I bite my lip at the thought of all three of them in the bed at once....
The waitress, Mandy, took me to talk to the boss, Cody. Who was a very flamboyant , curly top, biracial dude. He offered me the job before I could even ask because he saw me help Mandy. The other manager Dashaun was also cool, his hair was awesome so you know I had to touch it, he is really tall, well to me at least and he has big ole anime eyes. I could get used to working here.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2015 ⏰

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