Chapter 4

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"Yes! We are finally done. Now I can go to sleep." Key began to walk back to her room. It was the first on the left. I laughed to myself a little as I began to go to my room the one straight down the hallway. I passed Mimi's room, the first on the left, and looked in she was painting her nails.

"I knew something was wrong, come in and close the door" I smiled at how well she knows me. Not only was the situation that happened today on my mind, but the happenings of the days before we left home were heavy on my mind.

"Okay, I know that the argument you had with you mom is still bothering you, but what else is wrong." She said finishing her nails, and blowing on them. I took a deep breath. It's always been hard for me to express my feelings. I released heavily and began to talk.

"Um, while you guys were on your water break ,I had to stay outside, a guy came over and talked to me. And h-" I was cut of

"Oh snap was he cute? He ask you out? Do you like him? Does he have friends? Did y'all do the nasty?" She did a creepy smile, and bounced her eyebrows up and down.

"Eww, what? No." She kept staring at me, and I got creeped out.

"He was cute, he invited us to a party, I don't know, yes he has friends, and no we didn't do 'the nasty' I'm not gonna give some stranger my virginity." She giggled.

"Other than you not losing your virginity, i don't see the problem." She said. I smacked her on the arm making her jump. Of course she had to hit me back with the strength of five niggas freshly released from jail. Things escalated into a prison fight. She jumped on new trying to hold new down than I rolled us over.
"Get up!" She yelled making me chuckle.
"Make me" she flipped us over, we are really close to the edge.
"You fucked up my nails!"
"IMMA FUCK BOFFA YALL UP IF YOU DONT SHUT UP" Key barged in. She look mad and bummy as fuck.
" Did you say 'boffa'?" I questioned trying not to laugh.
"Shut duh fuck up" with that she left, slamming the door behing her making a picture on me an Mimi fall of the wall.
"DONT SLAM MY DOOR NO MORE BITCH" I lost it. Mimi a trip.
" Calm that ass down Mimi."
"Shut up bitch"

"Slut. Okay like I was saying, i was sitting on the U-haul and he got in between my leg-"

"Ha, I knew y'all did the nasty. And you slapped me for tellin' the truth."

"Mimi! Let. Me. Finish." I took a breath. " and he was rubbing my thigh, than he whispered in my ear. I just, Ugh!" I grabbed a pillow from her bed and began to punch it. She allowed me to do it for a while before taking it away from me.

"This is called sexually frustration." Mimi spoke while clutching the small pillow.

"No this is called confusion, why would I let him touch all over me like that when I don't even know him." I shook my head.

"Did you like it?" She questioned.

"Well... Yea, but"-

"So you like him. There is no 'buts' about." I knew she was right but I still denied it.

"Yea, what ever girl. You know I'm right." She yelled as I closed the door to her room.

I went to my room and straight to my dresser to get my clothes for a shower. We had worked well into the night, it was already one in the morning. But I probably won't got to sleep which is something I go through every night. I walked out to the bathroom, which is right beside Mimi's room, locked the door, started the shower, and got undressed. Before stepping into the shower I turned on my music. Montreal by The Weeknd began to play and I began to vibe.


I got out of the shower, and went to the kitchen, making some lemon tea. My Yayo (a name for my grandmother, she doesn't like being called grandma. Haha.) would always make it for me. I returned to my room, that was already plastered with my paintings, and sketches. And my Christmas lights illuminated the room in colourful dots, almost like stars. My room was special because it had a balcony. The view was nothing more than our neighbourhood but I still liked it. I threw a cardigan on over my shorts and tank top before stepping outside.

I sat down on a chair I put out here, rolled a blunt and thought about what happened the night that we left

" Mom before I go, I gotta tell you something." I take a deep, shaky breath.
"Okay?" She said pushing me to finish
"I'm... Bisexual" her face dropped, then frown into a disgusted look.
"What in the hell?! You know where you're going right!? Do you know what nanny WHEN SHE FINDS THIS OUT!"
" Mom it's n-not that serious, this is why I didn't want to tell you. You act like I fucking killed someone" she slapped me, staining my cheek a litte. She got close to me.
" Watch you fucking mouth!" I pushed her away and left the house.
Keda up top👆😜

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