My Bargain to You

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Summary:  I thought Loki should deliver more on his threats. Instead of Natasha knocking Clint out in the first Avengers movie, Loki interferes. This is slightly darker than my other works.
Apologies if I did not write Loki's powers accurately

One Shot. Complete. Avengers (AU), Non-Canon

"Barton told me everything. Your ledger is dripping, it's GUSHING red, and you think saving a man no more virtuous than yourself will change anything? I won't touch Barton. Not until I make him kill you! Slowly, intimately, in every way he knows you fear! And then he'll wake just long enough to see his good work, and when he screams, I'll split his skull! This is MY bargain, you mewling quim!"

Natasha clung to Clint's bow, knowing if she let go, it could be her death. The man she was fighting was not her partner.

There was no recognition in his face as he relentlessly attacked her. Natasha mostly put up defensive moves, hoping he would snap out of it, but he kept getting more aggressive.

Growling with anger, Barton went for his knife. Natasha slung the bow over both of his shoulders in an attempt to slam him against the wall. Just as she got the upper hand, her body started to tingle and she was thrown against the railing by an invisible force.

Struggling to move, she watched as Thor's brother, Loki, appeared in a blaze of green light. Clint shrugged off the bow and immediately stood at attention.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Did you miss me Agent Romanov?" Loki provoked. Natasha's lip curled but she said nothing.

"Excellent work, Agent Barton. You're beloved Black Widow and I have unfinished business to attend. Don't we Natasha?" Loki smiled, running a finger down her cheek. He chuckled when she flinched away.

"You won," her eyes flicked briefly from Loki to Clint, " Banner turned green and is destroying the ship. What more do you want?"

"To destroy you," he said with absolute malice, "you think you were so clever. Guess who else cooperated? Your faithful partner here, and I know for a fact that Agent Barton, when not under my control, would do anything to save you. Isn't that what you told me, Agent Barton?"

"Yes, Sir." Hawkeye answered formally, staring hard at Natasha with those bright blue eyes, as if resentful he didn't get to finish her off.

"But do you feel the same way about him?" Loki contemplated. " Agent Barton!"

Hawkeye stepped in front of Natasha.

"Now, please, demonstrate to Agent Romanov, your skills with a gun."

Clint pulled his sidearm from it's holster, racked the slide and held it to his head.

"NO!" Natasha cried out, stopping herself from saying more, knowing Loki wanted her to beg and fear for her life. Or worse, Clint's.

"I'll ask again. Is this love, Agent Romanov? Would you trade your life for his?" He asked softly, as if he cared.

"Yes, I will trade my life for his." She answered, sidestepping the first question. Again.

Loki grinned and waved his hand in the air. Natasha was now looking down the barrel of Clint's gun. She held her breath and waited.

"Guns have no finesse, wouldn't you agree, Agent Barton?"

A Bowie knife replaced the gun in Clint's hand. The archer immediately took a step, grabbing Natasha by the hair, pulling her head back and holding the knife to her throat.

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