The Hawk gets His Spider

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Summary: Hydra Hawkeye convinces Natasha to leave the Avengers and join him.

She had been trailing him most of the evening only to lose him in a fucking crowd in the red-light district half an hour ago.

Natasha angrily threw the door open to her cheap hotel room and slammed it shut, wanting nothing but a hot shower and a drink to figure out where she went wrong.

Flinging her heels against the wall, Nat ripped her dress up and over her head before the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She whipped her pistol from her thigh holster aiming at the dark corner. A deep voice greeted her.

"Took you long enough."

Romanov kept her gun pointed despite knowing her intruder.

"Unusual for you to get so close to a target, Hawk."

He laughed and stood up, blocking out most of the moonlight streaming in the window with his imposing figure. The archer didn't seem phased by the 9mm leveled at his head.

"If I wanted to kill you I would have done it earlier. Careless of you to exit out the roof. If I didn't know better, I would swear you were looking for me."

She arched an eyebrow. He was there.

"And you're not going to kill me, Widow, so put the gun down."

Smirking, she clicked the safety lock and set it on the nightstand, not concerned if it was within his reach. If he wanted to off her, the Hawk would be more creative than to use a simple gun.

Looking dangerously handsome dressed in a form-fitting black t-shirt with his purple embalm, combat pants and boots, Clint loomed taking in her appearance.

Natasha flushed watching his eyes trail over her mostly naked body. He'd seen her in less but that wasn't what concerned her. In the poorly lit room, she hoped he didn't notice the color of the lace bra and thong on display.

Barton sauntered half the distance between them and Nat unconsciously stepped back.

"Have you thought about my offer?" She asked hoping to cut the tension in the room.

"I have. Thought about mine?"

He took another step. She didn't back away which forced her to look up into those confident, 'I know you better than yourself' eyes. She hated how easy it was for him to disarm her with only a look.

"I would never work for Hydra."

"I know, and you know I would never work for SHIELD, but you won't work for Hydra. You'll be my partner."

She frowned, not understanding the difference. He stepped closer.

"Mercenaries? Thanks but I kind of like working for the good guys now."

Barton scoffed.

"You believe SHIELD are the good guys?"

"Certainly not the bad ones."

"Are you sure? Did you feel like a good guy when you had to leave those kids in the bombed-out hospital?"

Natasha blanched, not expecting to be so caught off guard. He advanced again and she retreated. Clint walked her back against the door.

"What about all the old disgusting men and women you've been forced to seduce? Do you feel good after you fuck your way for information?"

That did it. She took a swing, but Hawkeye was prepared. He easily caught her wrist, twisting her arm behind her back bringing her flush against his chest.

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