+ wowkwan

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little: byeongkwan [age 3]
caregiver: sehyoon


"kwan! let's go.." sehyoon whispered as his dad had ultimately rejected him and his new boyfriend. he couldn't help but almost cry thinking of the man.

"it's kwanies fault.." he pouted as he walked behind his caregiver.

"no, it's not your fault baby. it's just my dad." sehyoon sighed as he grabbed his hand leading the males home.

"we home!" byeongkwan yelped and ran inside. sehyoon watched with a smile on his face. even if his dad didn't like the idea, sehyoon loved it. 

"kwan baby, how about we dance. it's almost nap time and we need to burn off some energy." sehyoon walked towards the speaker and connected his phone.

"what we wistening (listening) to?"  byeongkwan stood over his shoulder watching what he was putting on.

"hmm, how about this?" sehyoon turned on the front bottoms, his favorite band.

"me wike (like)." byeongkwan cheered as he did a small dance.

"come on!" sehyoon grabbed his hands as they danced around playing as if they didn't care. sehyoon had no worries about byeongkwans opinion so he danced silly. the beat of ginger played in the background.

"me wike (like) this song!" byeongkwan giggled as he waved his arms like a crazy man.

"i like you kwan baby." sehyoon placed a gentle kiss on the littles head.

after one or two more songs by tfb, sehyoon decided it was now an adequate time for a nap. he grabbed his littles hand and let out a soft sigh. he was his, no matter what anyone thought of them. he loved his little dearly.

"no, no, no nap!" byeongkwan shouted through a yawn as he ran. he giggled before chasing after him. sehyoon happened to corner him into his bedroom, "haha, i got you!" he cheered as the little pouted.

"i gueth (guess) i sweep (sleep).." byeongkwan wiped his eyes as he crawled into the twin sized mattress (ahah front bottoms) with a princess head board.

sehyoon sat on his knees next to him and patted his head softly. he leaned in and kissed the littles hand.

"i love you kwan baby." sehyoon scrunched his nose. byeongkwan smiled a faint smile through his half closed eyes.

"i wove (love) you." byeongkwan yawned before turning over. sehyoon pushed himself up and grabbed a book to read. even if the little was asleep he was going to do as tradition.


ahh! a.c.e 🤺 i love them! pls i'm lazy in writing lemme tryyy.. and i love the front bottoms pls check them out! it was a hard choice between them or the song kilby girl CAUSE THE BEAT IN THAT JUST MAKES ME WAN GO ON A PICNIC DATE AND DANCE LIKE NO ONE CARES 🥺🥺 preferably with this cute girl at school 😩😩

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