piano - quackity

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I'd been sleeping soundly for the night, but around three in the morning, a loud clang of the piano woke me up sharply. I tried to roll over and slip back into sleep, but the piano continued. The notes got softer and softer until they practically lulled me into my rest.

I dug into the bed further, searching for more warmth, hopefully from my boyfriend.

However he was down the hall playing the piano, so my search was short lived and unsuccessful. I sat up quickly, peeling the covers off my body, and placing my feet on the ground. I waited a moment before rising from the creaky mattress, as to avoid dizziness when rising.

I slowly walked down our hallway, wrapping my arms around my waist to retain warmth. Letting my eyes trail the walls and seeing the world map with where me and Alex had traveled. We had taken polaroids from the countries and tacked them onto the map in their geographical place. People had always said we were too immature, never settling down, and always goofing off. Alex and I had never cared though. We had fun and loved each other and that was all that mattered.

Turning around the corner of our thin walled hallway, I saw Alex at the piano, elbows on the keys, head in his hands. I'm sure he heard me coming or at least expected it, so I smoothly sat down next to him on the bench. I wrapped an arm around his midsection and pulled myself into him, wanting to help him.

" Alex, what's wrong? " I ask, quietly. He lifts his arms off of the piano, producing a soft clink. " Nothing, my love, just couldn't sleep. " I softly laid my head onto his shoulder. " What were you playing? " He adjusts to fit us together.
" It was very pretty. "

Alex turns his head to the side and lightly presses his lips onto my forehead. " It was 'Runaway.' " I hum in acknowledgment. " I liked it. "

a/n: go listen to it. Runaway by The Blue Notes - Piano rendition

" Would you like to hear more? " He asked tentatively, consciously aware of the time. " Of course. " He pulled my frame farther into him, if that was even possible and put his right arm protectively around me. He started the piece with stark key presses about a second apart. There's a rhythm, but there's no accompanying song. Then he truly starts. The song reaches into me and wraps around my heart. It swallows me. I'm shocked that something could sound like falling in love.

My mouth slightly falls open, and I let myself lie on my boyfriends lap, looking up at him. He's concentrated on playing the piece so I take this time to admire him.

The music piece picked up and got even more intense, causing Alex to contract his eyebrows. He really was gorgeous. It's not a word commonly used for men but it was fitting. The way his face just fell together so perfectly was beyond me. He was so expressive. It was and will always be so impressive to me, how he is so open with his emotions. My favorite is when he laughs. It shook my heart the first time I heard it, and I was immediately drawn in. For someone who was always told they looking intimidating or mean, Alex was truly my other half. He finished the piece and I couldn't comprehend how quickly time had flown.

I sat up and said " Teach me. "

" Teach you what? The piece? " I made eye contact and stated, " Yeah dipshit, what else? "

" It's late Eliza. "

" You're a fucking minecraft streamer, you make your own schedule, and I'm taking tomorrow off. "

" Yeah fair enough "

He scooted closer towards me, and placed my hands on mine. I lift them on to the keys and start the repetition piece of the song.

Alex teaches me the song until I don't stumble over it.

We laughed and talked until the sun rose, then both of us stumbled into our bed and fell asleep.

worth a vote??

much love and happy birthday to...
yeah you.
say happy birthday to her.

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