The next few days went by quick, nothing had happened and they hadn't heard from Techno or get a text back. They'd left him multiple text messages saying they wanted to talk but heard nothing back.
Hey Techno, I know it's really random to hear from me but we need to talk
Hey again, just incase you were unsure, It's Dream.
Let me know if you got me text
Can you meet?
They had received multiple texts messages from the number, but George knew it wouldn't be a good idea to run away to England again. Especially as that was where Wilbur and Fundy lived.
After a few days of silence, it was finally the day that Dream went missing before. This was his only chance to catch Techno out, if he still came that was. George hadn't told Dream or Sapnap when Dream went missing (was kidnapped), he'd only said that it happened and who it was that had done it. The moment wasn't exactly the same, they didn't get the text asking where they were or asking about more space for him, but they did get a text.
How about a sleepover? Only Dream is invited.
"Absolutely not!" George snapped, listening to Dream's ridiculous request.
"Oh, come on now George." Dream said, almost begging. "It's a good idea, I'll catch whoever it is out!"
"Whoever it is? How many times do I have to tell you that it is Techno?!" George rubbed inbetween his eyebrows. "No, Dream. You're not meeting him for this "sleepover", I told you what's going to happen."
"George, this is important. It's a good idea. Please?"
George stayed silent, taking a huge and heavy sigh.
"Fine! Do it, I don't care. But do not expect me to find you when your locked up in some stupid storage unit!"
Dream gulped down the pain in his throat, indicating he was about to cry. Why would he say that?
"George, come on don't say that." Sapnap butted in, biting his top lip.
"You don't understand, neither of you do. You won't listen to me, well you will but it sure doesn't seem like it. It was exhausting looking for Dream before, we spent days Sap, looking for him." George replied quietly, looking down to his socks.
"I get it, George. But, Dream's aware of the situation now. He can prepare himself for whoev- for Techno."
George went quiet for a minute.
"Okay." George finally said, looking at Dream, who was still holding back tears. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I just wanted you too listen too me, I shouldn't have said that."
Dream nodded. "It's okay."
In all honesty, it hurt Dream, a lot more than he showed. It wasn't that Dream didn't understand, because he did, but all that he could think about were the words he said. Angry words are the minds truth. (I made that up). They all sat in silence for what felt like forever, all Dream could think about were the words George said, no matter how hard he tried to forget them. The thinking sent him to sleep, as well as Sapnap. George stayed up, although he laid down to make it seem like he was sleep. Hours went by, nothing had happened apart from Sapnap going to pee, but he fell straight back to sleep. After all the waiting, the beast had finally arrived. Techno was here.
Everything repeated itself, so George had guessed. Techno entered through the kitchen window, leaving all the glass shards on the floor. He followed through to the living room where all the boys were sleeping. Reaching for George's face, slowly.
Would you like to die here, George?
RomanceOLD STORY NAME: Just Friends? George and Dream fall in love but when confessing to the internet, they face some problems.