Where Are You?

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I woke up, stretching my arms out as I yawned. "Rosie wake-" I said before cutting myself off. "Rosie?" I said. Rosaline was gone, I thought she was hiding. Pranking me. "Rosie where did you go?" I asked, no response. I got out of bed and looked around my room, my closet, under the bed, the bathroom, but I still couldn't find her. 'Maybe she already left?' I asked myself in thought. I opened my room door and went downstairs. "Mom? Dad? Did Rosie leave?" I asked as I walked down the stairs. I got no response, again. I suddenly heard a song being hummed, someone was in my house. 'Fuck..' I thought to myself. I went down the last three steps slowly and quietly, as to not make any noise. "Y/n..~" I heard my name being called. It was a soft, medium-pitched male voice. I peaked around the corner, I was shocked by what I saw. A male with short brown hair, orange goggles, a black and white mask, a striped tan hoodie, blue jeans and an axe was walking around my kitchen. I covered my mouth so I wouldn't scream. "I know you're here Y/n..~" The man said. I ran back upstairs and into my room, I shut my door quickly but quietly. 'What do I do!?' I thought to myself as I panicked. I suddenly heard banging on my room door. 'SHIT!' I thought to myself. 'THE WINDOW!' I thought as I quickly locked the door and ran to the window. "You can't hide from me Y/n..~" The man said as he kept banging on my door. I panicked and quickly opened my window, I jumped out of my window. I heard a loud thud, my door was kicked down. "Fuck!" I shouted. "Hello Y/n..how was your day?..~" The man said as he walked towards me. Without saying a word I quickly jumped off the ledge and somehow landed on my feet, I starting running as fast as I could. "Running away so soon?..What a shame..I wanted to play a game~" The man said, he was somehow behind me already. I continued running. 'Don't look back you dumbfuck don't look back.' I thought to myself over and over again. I suddenly felt someone grab my wrist, I struggled to make him let go. "Nuh-uh-uh..~" The man said. He twisted my wrist. "Fuck let go of me!!" I yelled. He didn't say anything, he just kept twisting my wrist. I was suddenly pulled closer to the man, he held my chin up. "Hey there.." The man said, I looked away from him as I blushed. "Speak to me Y/n." The man said, I felt my wrist being twisted again. "Hello.." I said in fear. "Good girl.." The man said. I suddenly felt something hit my head from behind, I blacked out.

(A few hours of being passed out later..)

I woke up in a dark forest. I looked around, but all I could see was fog. "Where am I?.." I spoke aloud. I got up and held my head, I squinted my eyes. I saw someone in the distance, or so I thought. I walked towards the dark silhouette in the fog, I tapped it's shoulder. "Hello?.." I said. The silhouette turned around, it's face was as pale as a fresh piece of paper, the carved smile was as shiny as a Ruby, it's eyes were wider than a bottomless pit leading to a dark endless void, it's long black hair was messier than a pile of leaves sitting on the sidewalk. "So you were the one Toby was talking about.." The silhouette said, holding my chin up with it's finger. I stayed silent, was it friends with that man? "You..You know him?.." I asked softly. "Why, of course. But I'm not his friend, more like a partner." The silhouette said. "So.." I paused. "Will you..protect me?" I asked, blushing slightly from embarrassment. The silhouette looked at me, it's eyes only growing wider. "Oh hey Jeff! I see you've met Y/n?" The man from earlier, otherwise known as Toby said as he walked towards us. Jeff quickly pulled me behind him. "Stay there." Jeff whispered. "Oh..I see you're on her side eh? Isn't that delightful!~" Toby said. Jeff pulled out a knife and kept a good grip on me. "Take a step forward one more time and I will fucking end you." Jeff threatened. "Oh how cute..protecting a girl you've never met before." Toby said. I started visibly shaking as I buried my head into Jeff's hoodie, Jeff looked at me. "Don't be scared, I got this." Jeff whispered, I looked at him and nodded. Jeff picked me up and held me in his arms as if I were his bride, he started running. Fast. "Hey get back here!" Toby shouted as he ran after us. "Jeff where are we going?" I asked as the leaves under Jeff's boots crunched. "Somewhere safe." Jeff replied. Jeff continued running, I could hear Toby behind us. We bumped into something and fell down, I was on top of Jeff but quickly rolled off of him as I blushed. I sat up and looked up at what we bumped into, it was a tall man with no face, a pitch black formal suit and long boney claws..it was Slenderman. "Y/n what are you doing with these two?" Slenderman echoed in my ears. "Slenderman?.." I said. I got up and walked towards Slenderman, I held my arms out, letting Slenderman know that I wanted to hug him. Slenderman picked me up and held me in his arms, I hugged him. "You two know each other!?" Jeff and Toby shouted.

(To be continued..)

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