Welcome Home

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The two months went by quicker then expected. Emma was given the all clear to leave. She was leaving finally except now she had a baby. She had been given a lot of money from Neal. She didn't feel guilty for taking it. It wasn't like she could return it to him anyways. Henry was Neal's son so she might as well use it to support him until she lands back on her feet.

She was given a baby carrier by the social worker, she and Henry located the yellow bug that she had so many fond memories of. Emma took out a map that was kept in the back of the car, her eyes glanced over to Tennahassi. That's where they should be right now. Instead, she is stuck in a messy situation. Emma decided that's where they will go. She may feel extremely angry at Neal for leaving her but she wanted to find him. Maybe he went here without her.

Emma and Henry arrived in Tallahassee and she immediately went out looking for a job. The only job she could find on short notice was as a babysitter for a couple who had three young kids. The mother of the three children soon learned about Emma and Henry's situation and she offered them a room in their house until Emma could afford her own place. Emma wouldn't have accepted but she had to think about Henry. She needed to give him his best chance and right now this was it. Emma returned to college by night in order to get a qualification to obtain a better paying job.

Months later, Emma was finally able to start renting an apartment. She was excited to get out of this rough patch of her life and start a new adventure with Henry. She opened the door and took Henry out of his carrier.

" What do you think? Its perfect for us, isn't it? "

" Welcome Home, Henry this is our home now " Henry laughed and babbled pretending he knew what was going on.

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