I'm Henry and I'm your son

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" I'm sorry but you need to leave " Emma says as her eyes fell back onto the old wristwatch she wore. Henry should be getting on the bus right now and the last thing she wanted was for Neal to find out about him

" I can't help you, look online, there are plenty of people more suited to helping you with your case. I'm sorry Neal" Emma gave him an apologetic look

Neal sighed.

" Please, you are the only one who understands though " Neal pleaded " Who else is better suited to this than you are? "

Emma had her hands on her hips.

Emma was fed up.

" Leave before I call the cops " she threatened and when he didn't make any movement, she walked over to the corner of the room where the landline phone was kept and started dialing the number. Neal thought she was bluffing but apparently she was serious.

" Okay, Okay, Okay. Don't do that! I'll leave but this is not over " Neal threw his hands in the air in frustration. Neal grabbed his jacket and made his way out of the room.

A young boy, who was quite short but could be no older than about ten walked into the apartment. He had a loving smile and walked into the room where the two adults were currently talking.

" Hi Mom, who's this? Is this one of your clients ? " He asked cheerfully

Emma couldn't have moved on. Could she? Makes sense to why she wanted him gone. Judging by how old the kid looked, she must have moved on shortly after he left her.

" I need you to go into the other room for a little bit, okay? " Emma consoled her son and gave him a quick squeeze

" H-hold on.... who's this? " Neal questioned

Emma not taking her eyes off Henry replied " My son ". In one way she used Henry as a way to not make eye contact with Neal as this was something she had been fearing for years.

" Your son? what? " Neal whispered to himself under his breath

" How old is he? " Neal questioned

Emma ignored him and turned to Henry

" Don't answer him...ignore whatever he says " Emma led Henry away into the other room

" How old are you, kid? " Neal raised his voice

" I'm Ten " Henry turned around out of his mother's grip " Now why are you both yelling? Who is this? "

" He's ten " Neal mumbled "ten "

" Henry... it doesn't matter " Emma dismissed it

" I think it does " Neal said in a low voice " Emma? "

Emma turned around to face Neal.

" Is this m-my son? " Neal said already knowing the answer

Emma froze and Henry stared at her watching the blank expression on his mother's face. Emma caressed Henry's face before whispering 'yes' quietly but not so silent that Neal didn't hear.

Neal took a seat. He puts his head in his hands. He woke up this morning not to expect by the end of the day to find out he was a father and he had been a deadbeat dad without his knowing. He had sworn to himself when he was younger that he would be different, he wouldn't treat his future children like his father had with him.

Henry didn't know how to react. He had always wanted to know his father but his mother had told him that he was a terrible person and that he didn't deserve to know him. Henry couldn't help but to overthink all the bad things that he could've done. His mother never specified what he had and hadn't done and left him to come up with an answer himself. Henry needed to process his new findings. Without his parents knowledge he slipped out of the main room into his bedroom for some time alone to think.

" You were never going to tell me about him! That's why you wanted me out so quick. I get you have your issues with me but you cannot punish the child because of what happened a decade ago " He argued

" Do not question my parenting skills. I have ten years under my belt and what do you have? exactly. I am doing what's best for him. A child deserves to have a good father which you are not. You left me in jail and to raise him alone " Emma scolded

" yeah, yeah keep yelling at me, all you like but don't think for a second I would have left if I knew you were pregnant. Stop acting like it didn't kill me to leave you and I haven't hated myself every day since for it!! " Neal yelled instantly regretting exposing some of his feelings.

That was something they both had common. They didn't like talking about their own feelings.

" I want to see him " Neal said " He's my son too and you don't get to make all the shots anymore "

Emma nodded not necessarily agreeing with him

" Don't you dare break his heart " Emma threatened him " Or it won't be pretty "

Neal chuckled

" Like I'm going to do what my own dad did to me " he scoffed

" Like what you did to me " she rolled her eyes

" I may come from a long line of dead beats but I'm not going down that path. I'll be different and you'll see " Neal promised

" And we will be talking about that again, I promise you that and you will know the whole truth....someday it will all make sense. You won't forgive me but you will see why I had to "

Emma paused and watched him as he went into one of the bedrooms which was Henry's. She was thinking about everything that just happened. What were the chance that on the day that she sees Neal for the first time in a decade is also the same day that Henry's bus decides that it will arrive early? It seems like faith had it in for her.

" Hey " Neal said awkwardly walking into Henry's room.

" Hi " he hesitated to respond

" I'm Henry.....and I'm your son? "

" Yeah, you are " he laughed

He expression then turned serious.

" I'm sorry for not being around- " He patted Henry on the back

" Its okay, you didn't know " Henry smiled up at the stranger that was his father.

" but I promise that I'll be there for you now until forever " he finished

" I'd like that " Henry replied

" I want to get to know you, Henry. I know your mom has told you some things about me but I am here to prove to you.....and her that I've changed and I will be here for you both "

Henry nodded and flashed his cheesy adoring smile that his mother loved so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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