Ten years later

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Over ten years had passed and today was Emma's twenty eight birthday. She woke up at half six in the morning to find a hand made card by her bedside. Made by her son. Henry. He was the best gift she could have ever asked for. He gave her a ( small but perfect) family. All she ever wanted. Everything was good just the two of them. She often wondered about Neal. Often what it's and what would have happened if he had raised Henry with her. She didn't even know where Neal was today. Probably married and happy. She didn't even know if he was alive. She was perfectly fine if she never had to see him again. She tried not to think about him as she often felt angry. She deserved better. She loved him and he seemed to have used her the whole time. Surely, he loved her at some point right?

Sometimes she tried to come up with an excuse for everything to cover up what had happened between them. She brought Henry with her to find Neal in Tallahassee after he was born but failed to find him. They have since moved to Boston after an accidental fire in their old apartment. Emma took this as a sign that they needed a fresh start. Once Henry was old enough to understand she told him everything. He had wanted to know. He always had questions about his father. Turns out his father was a terrible man, well according to his mother anyways. He trusted Emma with his life so he took everything she said as true. Which it was! As far as Emma really knew it was. She fell in love with a bad boy who stole a bunch of watches worth thousands and let her take the fall for it all. He didn't even know she was pregnant and had a son. He didn't deserve to know Henry in her opinion.

The past is in the past. All she is focused on is her future. Her and Henry's future. One where she is the best parent she can be. She will give him everything she had dreamt of when she was growing up. No matter how many days, weeks, months and years go by, She could never defend them. She tried to think of many excuses to why. Maybe they were too young? Maybe they weren't ready? But they didn't even bring her to a hospital, they left her all alone on the side of the road where she was found by a younger boy who also abandoned her when she was younger. She was angry. She thinks back to all those lonely nights where she looked out her bedroom window and wished for her family. She lost her belief in all those childhood things. Magic didn't exist. She wouldn't even know what she would say to them if she ever did find them. She had dedicated her life to finding them but as she got older and days went by, she gave up. She lost hope. Maybe one day that would change but until then she had to focus on herself and her son. She wanted him to have hope and maybe if he did she would find some too.

She got up and got along with her daily routine. She made hot chocolate with cinnamon which was a funny quirk she shared with her son. She often wondered what he shared with his father.

" Happy Birthday, Mom " He smiled at her

She smiled back. She sat across from him. He reminded her of Neal at times but he was most definitely her son.

Henry was a simple child. He had read his story books and had comprehended that his father was a bad guy. There was something about his mother that was different. She was special and unique even if he didn't know how or why. He couldn't explain his feelings.

" You don't want to miss the bus now, do you? " Emma said snapping him out of his daydreams

" I would much rather spend the day with you " Henry sighed

" Well I'm trying to be a responsible parent"

" I won't tell anyone " he smirked

" Henry " She scolded " I don't want to get in trouble with your teacher...again"

" I'm kidding " he laughed

" Now go...go..." Emma said

" Ok, ok bye. Love you " He complained before hugging his mother goodbye.

"Love you too"

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