三 (san)

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This is the word that Y/N has been repeating in her mind as she impatiently taps her foot on the floor. Holding tightly her phone in her right hand and dialing a certain number that she actually loathes calling the most.


She chanted once again trying to suppress the urge to flop all the things away in her surroundings.

Y/N is currently at her cramped office which she had been sharing with Nakiri Erina's assistant. The reason why she's trying to get a hold of her older brother was because of a piece of distressing news that she had received earlier that day.

'That idiotic brother of mine!' Y/N silently cursed to herself, completely not thrilled with the situation that she was in.

"If it isn't my sweet cute little sister, what can-" Y/N did not let the owner of the voice in the other line finish its remarks. She is already in a foul mood as it is and Eishi's sarcasm is certainly not needed. It will only make things worse for her.

"Why didn't you attend the convention? Didn't you know that the organizers have been bugging me of your whereabouts? They can't believe that you were a total no-show at the event! Also, not even mentioning about the meetings that you missed just a couple of hours ago. What would people think about you? You are not only damaging Totsuki's image but also the Tsukasa's!"

"If you really care about what others would think, then I'll leave everything to you," Eishi replied nonchalantly. "You claim to be good in everything that you do so you're free to proceed."

"Leave me everything? I am not even the so-called First Seat of the Elite Ten! And even if I am, I would totally NOT set aside my responsibilities!" Y/N exclaimed completely annoyed at her brother's apathetic answer. "Anyway, you have an important interview later about the partnership with the food company, where are you?"

"Oh...about that." Eishi started, and Y/N could already tell that she's not gonna like what the other has got to say. "Cancel it. I have more important things to do."

"Wait, what?!" Y/N huffed in total anger. She was out of words about what her brother just said.

"Have you gone mad?! The Elite Ten has been working on that partnership for the past two years. The alumni worked hard to achieve that and you're just going to throw it away! The-" Y/N snapped but her brother's cold voice had made her stop from what she was saying.

" Shut up, will you. Aren't you forgetting our deal? I won the Shokugeki so what I said goes and no questions asked. Also, there's no need for me to attend that partnership interview since that menial of a company realized too late what opportunity they lost. Totsuki doesn't beg for help or attention especially when I am the First seat. Being most influential in today's trend of gourmet doesn't mean that they can just easily walk over on us." After her brother's statement, Y/N composed herself.

'This prideful jerk!' Y/N thought rolling her eyes. 'If only people knew this side of him!'

"Then, at least let me know where you are?" Y/N's voice succeeded not to falter, and she mentally complimented herself for such achievement.

"As I said, I'm in Las Vegas doing some important business that the likes of you would never understand." And with that Eishi ended the call for him to no longer be bothered.

Y/N chuckled to herself due to the insult. Her patience is running thin, and she won't know if she will be able to control herself from choking her brother the next time she sees him.

Good thing that Hisako, Erina's assistant is currently out following her master and not witnessing her lose her mind.

"Cancel the meeting he says." Y/N clicked her tongue then continued. "Easier said than done."

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