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With his feet half buried under the deep layer of snow, a boy stands outside the prestigious Magnus High—an institute for the rich and elite of Telluride. Years from now, Kevin Sterling will wake up in the middle of the night, think back to this exact moment and everything else that followed, down a prozac and go back to sleep with the lights on.

He holds the back of his phone—illuminating the lower half of the emblem on his hoodie—so tight that it's half damp and sticky which would've grossed Kevin out of his mind, if he wasn't so focused on what there was on the screen.

'The SEC will be very interested in your father's not so occasional hobby of money laundering. Be outside Magnus High tomorrow at 11pm sharp and do EXACTLY as I say or all the proof required to crumple your father's company and his undeserved reputation will be out in the world. See for yourself-'

Below, are seven documents each with enough proof ranging from 2007 to 2019 that could do more than just hurting the Sterling's reputation. Ten years of sentence and a 7 digit fine being the best case scenario.

'Oh, and don't be a smartass and bring the cops with you. They'll never be able to find me but these documents will find their way to The SEC in no time.'

He looks up at the Church like building of his school—a dark grey building encompassed by slender towers with spires, and figurines of angels and cupids engraved on it's walls. His eyes are set at the clock in the centre of the building, weathered by time. It didn't work, yet, it still looked just as magnificent as the day it was made.

As much as he loved this place, he didn't want to be here a day before Christmas. He thinks back to the times when he didn't have to worry about anything. He had employees, lawyers and tutors to do that for him. But tonight, his family's future depends on him. As if the entire weight of the world is dropped on his shoulder at once. I still have time, I can go back home, he tries to convince himself. However, his feet stay glued to the snow laden ground below him.

How far will you go to protect the ones you love?

Do you love them enough to follow instructions from a stranger that goes by 'HEL' and messages you with an untraceable number?

Maybe from a bird's eye view these are two different and unrelated questions. But these questions start to blur into one when you have to choose between rotten and rancid. When you know neither of the results are going to be ideal. So, you put yourself through the pain; to convince yourself that you love them and not because you're not ready to leave your lifestyle behind. You decide to right their wrongs because you believe that you can take the pain and manage to keep things intact.

That's what got Kevin Sterling to succumb to the man on the phone.

The dim light of the lamp post looming above him, enlightens the remaining half of the emblem. A Tiger pouncing out of an overturned bullet shape bordered in black with 'Magnus High' sewn above the emblem and 'academia' below the tip. The students of this institute wear this emblem with pride. They also look down on those who can't wear it.

As Kevin pulls his damp hoodie—now stuck to his chest—away from him, he hears ruffled footsteps pull closer. Slowly and wearily.

He turns around, trying to look into the distance, part scared and part ready to take the blackmailer down and beat him to death; The dim light of the street lamps are useless as the silhouette heads in Kevin's direction. So much for an institute that charges more than the average annual income in The States.

"Hello? I'm here," says a voice oddly familiar to Kevin, yet he is unable to put a finger on it.

"I'm here as you asked," Kevin's voice cracks. "Can't we sort this out on our own?"

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