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Sarah walks in to the auditorium, right when Alissa's phone goes off.

"What does it say?" Holly asks.

"HEL has posted Lucas's confession on the page," she says, fear emanating from her voice.

"This," Holly says as she nears Alissa, peeking into her phone. "I'll be interested to see."

I'm Lucas Till, and my father, and my mother—Jolie's—husband, Chuck Till is not just a danger to his own family; he's also a threat to the society. He's an alcoholic, and abusive.

Last night, he killed a cigarette on the nape of my neck, just to get me to get away so that he could watch some sports. He's abusive to my mother as well. Tonight, he broke a glass bottle right in front of my mother, because he didn't like the dinner the cook made. Some of the broken shards struck my mother, and now she's in the hospital at the time of writing.

I know he'll hurt me again (or even my mother), if I call the police on him. If you're reading this, I'm genuinely requesting you to call the cops. I want that man out of our lives. Please.

I managed to record my dad's conversation with my mother on call. Hopefully then you'll believe me.

I just want my mother to live the life that she deserves. As for me, I'm running away.

The audio was three minutes and twenty-four seconds long. The entire conversation was just Chuck calling Jolie a whore, and that he'll 'teach her a lesson' if she doesn't suck his dick later at night.

A heavy and chilling silence settles over the eight of them after the recording stops. Regretting that she joked about Lucas's confessions, Holly decides to break the silence. "Maybe—Maybe HEL is making this up. You never know."

"That does sound like Chuck Till," Kevin says blankly. "My dad partnered with him for a project, so he used to come to our house all the time a couple years back. I'm sure that's his voice."

"It's not that hard to mess with audios; I used to watch this show—"

"God, please just shut the fuck up," Sarah grunts.

"What did you just say to me?" Holly scowls.

"I said shut up! This is Chuck Till, and HEL didn't make this audio, or morphed it or whatever bullshit that was about to spout from your mouth."

"Since when did Chuck Till start hanging out with janitors, that you'd know who he is?" Holly snaps back.

Sarah puts her feet forward, about to dart at Holly, when she's held back by Megan, her arms around her waist. With Sarah's back towards her, Megan grunts, barely managing to hold Sarah back as she tries to pull herself forward with every ounce of energy in her.

"Holly!" Kevin scolds her, his voice loud and firm.

"But Kevin, you saw how she spoke to me—"

Kevin doesn't say anything for a moment, but then he mutters, "she's not wrong,"right before he turns to Sarah.

He puts a hand on her shoulder and beckons her to calm down with his eyes. Megan finally lets go of Sarah when she says she won't attack Holly. Wiping her forehead with the back of her hand, she says, "for a girl so small, you sure are strong."

Sarah takes a deep breath. "HEL is not making anything up. I talked to Lucas when Derek and Cody went to the washroom. He said the same thing, about his father puffing cigarettes on him and hurting him and his mother."

"That means," Alissa says. In the commotion they all had forgot that she was there as well. "They'll arrest his dad."

"He deserves it, though."

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