Chapter 13 - Rhysand

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We sat talking about different possibilities for a little while before Feyre just fell limp next to me.

"No, Feyre." I shook her gently.

"Feyre, come on." Mor set her hands on Feyre's chest.

We all watched in stunned silence,

"Is she ok?" Nehemiah asked, biting her lip.

"I don't understand, I can't find anything wrong." Mor whispered.

"Ok, I'll try going into her mind." I said, pulling her limp body against me.


'Not Feyre anymore.' A voice hissed

I snapped back to reality, her eyes were open, but they were unseeing.

"Thank you for bringing her High Lord." Her mouth moved but it wasn't her voice that sounded.

"Maeve," Aelin hissed.

Feyre stood, all of us standing with her.

"You can't kill me, if you kill me then you kill Feyre." Maeve hissed.

"Rowan." Aelin said, looking at her mate.

He motioned for us to stand away from her. We did. She clawed at her throat before slumping to the floor, unconscious once more.

Tears were running down Mor's cheeks.

"Fenrys, go to Adarlan, get Yrene. Lorcan, go and get the ring and Goldryn, I don't want to use them, but we might not have a choice." Aelin commanded.

"What is happening to her?" I asked, tears running down my own cheeks.

"Maeve is the queen that tortured me, I thought I killed her but obviously I didn't. She is like a leach; she latches onto a body and uses it like her own." Aelin told me.

She knelt down next to Feyre and pulled a dagger from her hip. She picked up Feyre's arm and made a small cut on the back of her hand, Cassian snarled but I lifted a hand, Aelin knew Maeve.

I watched as a trickle of blood ran down her arm, it was black.

"What the fuck?" Cassian exclaimed.

"I was just checking." Aelin said.

Fenrys came back with a human woman, she knelt next to Feyre, white light flaring around her.

"Who is she?" The woman asked.

"Her name is Feyre, she's Rhysand's mate, can you help her Yrene?" Aelin said quietly.

"Yes, but I need the ring and Nehemiah." She told us. Her eyes sad.

"What are you going to do?" I asked, not really wanting to know.

"The ring will start destroying Maeve, if she wasn't in a body, I would stab her with Goldryn as well but as I want Feyre to survive that's not possible. I'm going to weave my powers with Nehemiah's so we can destroy Maeve without killing Feyre, I suggest that you leave Rhysand because it will not be nice for either of them." She told me, looking me in the eye the whole time.

"I'm staying," I almost growled.

"Lorcan, can I have the ring?" She asked, and he handed it over.

"Nehemiah, you know what to do, we trained together for this ok?" Yrene looked at the little girl.

"Yes." She looked determined.

Yrene slipped the ring onto Feyre's finger and she began screaming. Fire and light slammed into her. I just held her hand, murmuring down the bond.

I felt her slipping away from me, so I grabbed the bond and tugged, hard.

Yrene and Nehemiah soon sat back and Feyre stopped screaming, falling limp once more.

'Feyre?' I whispered down the bond. I got no reply.

"She needs to rest; she will be ok." Yrene told me.

"So, all of this, Nehemiah being thrown into your world was just to get Feyre here so Maeve could kill Aelin?" Rowan asked.

"From the looks of it, yes." I replied. Stroking her hair.

"Rhys," Feyre's croaked voice sounded.

"It's ok, just relax, I'm here," I told her softly.

"Everything hurts," she mumbled.

"I know darling it's ok." I made sure to keep my voice calm.

She relaxed again and I knew she had fallen asleep.

"Is there somewhere I can lay her?" I asked Aelin, she nodded and took me up to a room, I lay Feyre on the bed then we all gathered in the sitting room next to it. 

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