22: As Far South

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After hearing Tristan's deadly promise, I wasted no time fleeing from the beach house and getting on the road. I was currently on the highway flying at 40 mph over the speed limit in Mirabai's car. Mirabai was passed out in the back seat.

"Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine," I repeated aloud as I tried to calm my frantic mind and pounding heart. I was on the verge of hyperventilating. "Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine."

I stole a glance at Mirabai's sleeping form. I was an awful friend to have involved her in this dangerous plan, and I had left her in the dark about it. It was selfish of me to throw her in the middle of the fire as a pawn for the sake of my own self-preservation.

When Mirabai woke up tomorrow morning, she would be clueless about what really happened tonight. She would think Felix and Tristan are just some harmless, good-looking men that I knew.

Tears began to fall from my face as I replayed the final conversation between me and Tristan. A pang of guilt and regret racked through me. Tonight would be a bittersweet, haunting moment etched vividly in my mind no matter how much I tried to suppress it.

It was surreal to know that while I had been going through hell, Tristan was secretly protecting me the entire time. Without a question, I would have already died if he had not intervened.

"I didn't know," I said quietly as more tears fell. "How was I supposed to know?"

Had he been betraying his assassination mission by helping me? The recollection of his sister Vivian's warning at the wedding sent chills down my spine.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll stay far away from Tristan. Otherwise you'll just be damning him and you both."

Was that what Vivian meant?

I shook my head, trying to push the thoughts away. It didn't matter anymore. He was no longer my secret guardian, the realization of which sent a heavy wave of loneliness coursing through me. I had lost the trust and protection of Tristan without knowing that I had it in the first place.

The ruthless look in Tristan's eyes tonight was something I hadn't seen before. I knew he wasn't bluffing when he said I would be dead if he caught me. I was now running for my life.

But now wasn't the time to regret nor to throw a pity party. I would have to be strong and heartless to survive. Nothing else mattered at this point. It was all about survival.

I arrived in front of my family's house and put the car in park. I opened the back door and hauled Mirabai over my shoulders and into my house. I could hear loud music and laughter coming from the backyard. I set Mirabai down on the living room sofa. I would leave her with my family for the night. She was far too drunk to be alone at her apartment.

I made my way to the backyard, following the sound of the music and laughter. My parents, a few firefighters who worked with my dad, and Aunt Lizette were playing limbo and drinking. Their faces were painted red and white, and they wore leis and hula skirts. Aunt Lizette was cheering and recording as my dad masterfully worked his way under the pole at two-feet height.

"Millie bear, you're back so soon!" My mom said. She took a swig of alcohol before dancing goofily up to me and pulling me into a hug. "I thought you girls were staying on your trip until tomorrow. Change of plans?"

I pursed my lips and willed myself not to cry. "Yes, Mom, there was a change of plans. I'm going back inside to take care of something. Oh, and Mirabai had too much to drink so she's going to stay here for the night if that's okay."

"Of course! Hold on, your dad wanted to tell you something. I can't remember what it was. Al, sweetie, Millie is back!" She called my dad over.

He laughed and jogged over. "You're back just in time, Millie! We're going to have a poker tournament soon. Loser's punishment is to run down the street naked!"

"You guys are going to get arrested. And you should wash off that stupid face paint. You look like a pair of Pokemon balls," I said sourly. It felt like my heart was being pricked with needles as I observed the carefree fun that they were having, unable to take part in it.

I checked the time on my phone. In seven hours, Tristan would come find and kill me.

Before either of them could say anything back, I quickly said, "Just kidding, I love you Mom and Dad." I hugged them both tightly. This might be the last moment I have with them.

"We love you too, Millie bear. Al, what were you going to tell her?" My mom asked my dad.

"Oh yeah, the construction crew is finishing up your room tomorrow. It'll be ready for you to move back in on Sunday. Isn't that great news?"

"Yeah," I responded automatically. "Okay, I'm going inside. Have fun, I love you guys."

In the house, I quickly packed my belongings then jetted out of the front door. But as soon as I stepped onto the porch, I thought about leaving a goodbye note to my parents and Mirabai. It would be safer than sending a text message since my phone was possibly being monitored by Tristan and his agency.

I ran to the kitchen and found a notebook and pen. The first note I wrote was to Mirabai.

Dear Mirabai,

I'm sorry for being a terrible friend. You are an amazing person and I wish I had even an ounce of your fun, bubbly personality. We might not ever see each other again. I got involved in a complicated mess and it isn't safe for me to stay in town. Stay away from Felix at all costs. He is a very dangerous person.

With love, Milan

Then I prepared the note for my parents.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm so sorry for leaving like this. I had to get out of town because I am in too much danger. Not even the police will be able to save me from this. We might never see each other face to face again. But please don't feel like you've lost me. I promise to fight to live, and I will never stop fighting. I will become strong. I will prevail over any and every adversity. We will continue to love each other from afar, and our hearts will always be connected. No matter what you do, do NOT call the police or else it will make things worse for me and you'll endanger yourselves.

I love you with all of my heart.

Your daughter, Milan

I left the note for Mirabai in her purse, and the note for my parents on their bed. Then I took off in my ol' reliable and headed to the Linden St. train station, a half hour away.

It was 10:05 PM. There were six hours and ten minutes remaining before my assassin would come for me.

My sandals slapped against the patterned terrazzo floor tiles as I speed-walked through the stylish, art deco-themed train station. I went straight to a ticket booth where a clerk sat with her face buried in some papers.

"Hello, I would like to buy a train ticket," I said hurriedly.

"Where to, ma'am?" She asked without looking up.

"I don't know. I just want to go south. As far south as possible."

"Alright ma'am. Nonstop to Argentina?"

My eye twitched. "Um... there's a train that goes all the way to Argentina?"

"It was a joke," she answered, a stoic expression permanently plastered on her face. I frowned.

She swiveled her chair to the computer beside her and tapped her pen to her chin. Then she looked up at me, her glasses sitting low on her nose. "A train headed to Virginia just reached the station and will start boarding soon."

I nodded.

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