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Driving through city traffic in the pouring rain is a nightmare. I can barely see the roads from the heavy rain battering against my car window and all I want to do is get home, cuddle up with my best friend and forget about that horrible interview. Mr Big Shot didn't even answer all the questions and now I don't know what to tell Mia when she asks for them back to see what I wrote down because I've lost them.

I think to myself, the last time I saw them was in my lap in his office when he asked me about myself and what I like to do for fun. I can't think straight driving in this horrible weather, so I rid my head of the thoughts about her stupid questions and focus on the road.

20 long minutes later I park in my usual spot in the small parking lot of our apartment. Double-checking my car for the small booklet with no success in finding it, I head into the complex, pressing the 12th-floor button of the elevator to take me up.

Reaching the front door, I fumble with my keys before accessing the correct one and sticking it in the keyhole when I stop dead in my tracks to hear a laugh coming from inside, it's Mia. I step inside and see her sitting at the breakfast bar with her laptop open on what seems to be like FaceTime but I can't quite see or hear who she's talking to. She spots me and gives me a big cheesy grin and mouths the words "Thank you so much" to me. What did I do? She begins to write down on the small piece of paper beside her, reading- "it's Hero Fiennes Tiffin!" What now?!

I freeze in place as his strong British accent instantly fills the apartment, he's answering the rest of her questions. I must have left them in his office and at the realisation, I suddenly relax. I won't get into any shit after all.

Walking towards my bedroom to leave her and Hero be, I pull out a pair of pyjamas to change into before I go out to the kitchen to make myself a light snack, perhaps a sandwich. I relax on the bed flicking through the limited channels on my television, waiting for Mia to be done so I can get my apartment back.

A couple minutes later, I hear Mia wishing Hero a nice night and thanks for answering all of her questions that she had, even the adoption one. I slowly make my way out of the open plan area to make sure that she is finished with the call before heading towards the small kitchen. "He's hot, I would!" Mia breaks the silence, my face turning instantly bright red at her sudden observation. "Mia! Don't be gross, he could potentially be your future boss. Try not to ruin this one by sleeping with him or something please!" I beg. I didn't go to her interview voluntarily for nothing.

"I'm kidding! Jeez woman lighten up, it's a joke. You however should get yourself out there. Stop being a prude all the time." God, why can't I just be my own person? I like not weighing a man on me. "We're going out tomorrow night with Molly and Grace-"

"No! Not!" I cut her off before she says another word. "You have to come, Jo. We never do anything fun anymore, come on it will be fun I promise." "Please?" She pleads. "For me?" I know what will get her to let go of the conversation! "I'll think about it, but I have work tomorrow Mia so it depends." 

I finally finish making my sandwich after my interrogation with Mia about going clubbing tomorrow night, which I still don't fancy attending. I've had my fair share of nights out during my freshman year of college which I do not wish to revisit, therefore I'll give Mia the next best thing - false hope.

Speak of the devil, Mia found herself a comfy spot on the couch with the other half of my sandwich while I retreat to my bedroom for a good night's sleep.

* * * * * *

A loud banging on my bedroom door wakes me up from my slumber as I shuffle towards it, opening it to reveal a panting Mia. "What's wrong?" I ask, my heart rate increasing heavily by the minute. "I got the job!" She screams right in my ear. "Oh my god, congratulations! Go you! I knew you could do it, well done." She shrieks as she begins to run laps around the living room at her sudden burst of excitement, tiring herself out in the process.

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