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I can't believe him. I can't believe myself. I told him I loved him, and he didn't even say anything. Not a word.

I left him standing in the middle of the floor as I walked up to the bedroom, accepting the fact that he wasn't going to say anything to me afterwards.

I've been lying in bed in the pitch black for about an hour when I hear the door opening and closing again, the bed dipping behind me soon after.

I pretend to be asleep as I'm not up for his antics tonight. "I love you, Josephine," Hero says as he cuddles into my back. Although my heart is fucking melting at those words, it doesn't help that he thinks I'm asleep. He's going to have to do better than that.

Waking up in this comfy bed, turning around carefully to see if he is still there. He's not. I get up, going straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face before heading down the stairs, where I'm met at Hero's back as he sits on the couch watching TV.

I don't even acknowledge him as his eyes follow my body walking towards the kitchen to make some food. I feel his presence close though, like he's right behind me. I turn around and right enough, he's right in front of me. "Good morning, love."

"Do not 'love' me right now Hero, I'm not in the mood." Two can play at his game. "Why are you so upset?" Is he serious? "I don't know Hero, maybe it's because I built up the courage to tell you how I really felt about you and you threw it back in my face after giving me the 'I'm all yours' bullshit," I practically scream in his face.

"Felt?" He asks. "Hm?"

"You said felt, Josephine. You built up the courage to tell me how you really "felt" about me. So what, you don't feel that way anymore?" No Hero, you're not about to pin this on me. "Don't do that! You don't get to act innocent here. You made me feel like an embarrassment Hero, you let me express my feelings to you and you just stood there, saying nothing." The tears are fully streaming out of my eyes now. "I think it's best that we move meeting your parents to another time, one where you actually can stand to be around me and when I'm not making a fool of myself."

"Josephine, I've never been in this situation before. I'll tell Michael to change it to tomorrow. I didn't know what to do or say, give me a bit of credit here."

"And you think I've been in the situation many of times to know what you should say after someone expressed their love for you? Well, news flash Hero, that was my first time. Do you think you'll love me by then or do you want me to live with the embarrassment for the rest of my life?" I'm standing in the middle of his kitchen with tears streaming down my cheeks 12 hours after I told him I loved him. I'm pretty sure this isn't how it's meant to go.

"Josephine, when I came to bed last night and you were sleeping. I said it." He better not use that as his excuse. "Said what, Hero?" I say with a hint of disgust in my voice.

"That I love you," he forcefully pushes those words out. "Don't do me any favours Hero. If you're not ready to say it I understand but don't make yourself say it when you don't mean it just to make me happy."

"No, Josephine. I mean it this time. I love you."

I let out a big sigh of relief and some guilt as Hero strides towards me and takes me in his arms. "I'm sorry," I apologise as he says it back. "Me too."

"How about we go shopping for something to wear tonight?" Hero suggests. "Yeah just let me get changed, maybe we can grab something to eat whilst we're out?"

"Good idea, love," he says as he gives me a kiss on my forehead before I make my way to the closet to change.

"Are you ready love?" Hero shouts up as I put my other shoe on. "Yeah, I'm just coming." I make my way down the stairs as Hero watches my every step, "you look gorgeous, love."

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