Chapter Nine - New Voices.

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I sit in social worker Meredith Hayes' office along with Mr and Mrs. McDaniel. The room is silent utter than the silent sobs of Jessie and the tapping of a keyboard as Ms. Hayes fills out a document. After what seems like hours she shuts her lap top and faces us from across her desk. "Rory is in quite bad shape as you all have figured out by now. The doctor tells me that he had lost a lot of blood from his suicide attempt and that he is lucky to be alive as it is and it was lucky that Bryan got to him when he did...But now this is different." She says, her eyes narrowing slightly and looking us over.

"Rory is mentally unstable and it's clear that he is unfit to manage himself, based from all that has happened. Rory is now sedated and the nurses see it best to keep him that way until we figure out what to do on his behalf." She says, sighing deeply and rubbing her temples like she has a massive head ache. I wouldn't be surprised if she did, a job like this must take its toll on somebody, like or not.

"So we will be holding him here until he is rested and healed, but then send him into an inpatient program to be supervised and counseled until they deem him fit to live in society, to which at that point he will be placed into the half day program. The insurance should cover his stay at the hospital and the program. This program has been highly beneficial to most who have stayed with it." She finishes, still surveying us.

Mr. McDaniel is the first one to speak. "What do we have to sign and do?" He grumbles. "Just sign these papers and we will have him transported when he has mended. You will have to bring him to the location for the outpatient which that will be worked out with timing in conference."

"We get to see him don't we?!" Jessie moans from hysteria. "Once a week, it is best to distance him from any difficult situations that put him in the current state that he is in." She murmurs in assurance, her face slack and caring. "We will sign and do whatever for our grandson." Mr. McDaniel agrees. Ms. Hayes smiles and slips a packet of forms across the desk. Mr. McDaniel picks up the stack without any hesitation, skimming it over in his hand.

Ms. Hayes raises her eyes to me at that point. "Bryan, it is clear to us all that this is very hard on you. Do try not to worry too much about your boyfriend, he will be alright after he is finished in the program." At the mention of the word 'boyfriend' Jessie and Mr. McDaniel's heads snap up, their eyes wide.

Mr. McDaniel looks furious but Jessie wears a small smile. "Is it true?" Jessie asks, a slight tone of joy and curiosity in her voice. "Yes." I mumble looking down, my cheeks burning in anxiety and humiliation, they weren't supposed to find out this way.

The next thing I know, Jessie has me in a bear hug. "Thank you for helping him. I hadn't seen Rory happy in the least until you had come along up until now. Homosexual or not, we still love our grandson and hope to see him better. We are very happy for you two." She coos to me, wiping a tear from her cheek. "Right, sweetie?" She ask, casting a hard look at her husband. "Yeah, but I don't like the whole gay thing but it's pretty obvious that he has never been straight. Whatever makes him happy makes him happy.. No matter what he is still family." He finishes firmly.

At that moment, the Doctor steps in, without knocking. "Rory tore all of the stitching on of his right arm, half on the other and lost a lot of blood. Now, we have him stabilized and he is resting. We have repaired the stitching and replaced all of the tubes and wires that he tore out, we have also retrained him and we have a security guard standing at attention for when he wakes. He is heavily sedated and he will hopefully wake up in a few more hours." He finishes in a soft tone, taking in Jessie's tear streaked face.

"Can I see him?" I ask before I can stop myself. The doctor looks over to Rory's grandparents in question and they both nod. "Sure, but it will have to be quick." He says, gesturing for me to follow. I stand "I will walk home from here... I need a little time to clear my head. Thanks for everything and tell Rory that if he wants to see me that I'm willing." I take my leave, shutting the door in my stead. The doctor escorts me over to Rory's room, the journey already seeming endless.

I look over to the right side corner of the room and see a security guard sitting in a chair, arms crossed and eyes narrowed at me, he definitely heard Rory blaming me. I walk over and stand next to the left side of Rory's bed. He is asleep and his arms are heavily bandaged, there are more tubes than last time it seems. "Rory," I start, "I know that you are hurting so much. I care about you and you are never alone. Don't ever forget that." By the time I'm through speaking, my voice is broken and no longer functioning.

I turn and walk to the door but stop. "I love you regardless if you want me to or not." I choke out the words, turning on my heel and leaving room and eventually the hospital, at a total loss. Later on my walk home is when the tears come along with the flashback.

I look to be about three years old at this point. I am standing and gripping the door frame to my parent's bedroom and watching as my father strikes my mother with his fists. She unleashes a blood curling shriek and curls up into a ball to protect her stomach. I've had enough by this point and dash forth as fast as my legs can go. I don't get far when my father turns on me, with eyes of a devil and strikes me is the face, knocking me backward and out of consciousness.

I felt awful that night, left alone on the ground and bleeding from my mouth and nose, my small body shaking with agony and the desire in my heart to rescue my mother and finally be free.

I had no idea that she'd turn on me just as he did.

I arrive home as the memory whips before me taunting me of my past and then voices begin to scream at me 'Your own father doesn't even want you and neither does your mother or anyone else so just end it already!' The voice hisses into my ear with malice. I cover my ears with both of my hands as more voices join in, creating a deathly chorus of negativity

I can't take it anymore and can't help but snap. "Stop! I don't like me either.." The last part comes out as barely a whisper as I break into a shaky run to the bathroom and withdraw razor blade from beneath the sink.

The voices cry encouragement to what I am about to do, taunting me and saying that I deserve nothing more than a razor's kiss. No longer being able to stand another second, I roll up my sleeve and let the razor find its home in my forearm.

Author's Note.

Another cliffhanger! This chapter was eventful in the sense that Rory's grandparents find out that Bryan and him are together. Bryan has also now begun to have audio hallucinations.

Those types of hallucinations can at times be triggered by lack of mental stability and stress, Bryan having been through a stress heavy environment, has grown susceptible to hearing and or seeing things.

Thank you all so much for staying tuned and reading. I love any feedback that's given. Please do leave a vote and or comment if you felt that this chapter deserved it.

Until next time.. Stay Strong.

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