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 In America with Izuku 4 months later

Izuku's pov: 

For some weeks now its felt like someone has been following me. I told Kai, ever since he hasnt left my side. I either had to be with him or one of our friends. Today Im alone, Kai and the people were asked by a teacher to do something. Im getting that same feeling again, an extra presence following me. Currently walking down the hall, when someone puts there hand around my hand and pulls me into an old unused classroom, down on an abandoned floor.

Kai's pov:(i think we unlocked a new character pov)

My and the others had to leave Izuku alone. I didn't want to but he insisted, he felt bad that everything I did included him. I don't like being without him, exspecailly when he said he felt like he was being followed. Its now afterschool and he told me he'd go home and wait for me. So thats where im heading.

Izuku's pov:

I was thrown on one of the desk, I turned around to see who it was. It was the sub P.E. teacher. What is he going to do to me? He was always starring at me in class since our other pe teacher had to go have a baby. He is gonna...... rape me? Oh god no, not again.

He walked closer and started feeling on my curves and kissing me forcefully. I couldn't move, thoughts of the past flooded my mind. He was kissing me all over. I looked down to see I was almost naked, thats when I came back to my senses.

Izuku: h-hey stop it!!

Perv sub: no. now be good and get on your back for me

Izuku: stop this now, I can get you fired!

Perv: I dont care, I just want this nice little body of yours

He slammed me on my back and shoved his stink dick into me. I screamed, this hurt so much. I tried using my quirk but it didnt work. Either he did something or I wasn't in the right head space. I was bout internally and outwardly screaming, for him to stop, for the memerizes to stop, for everything to stop. But it kept going. 

Its now an hour later and he still wont stop, it hurts. I hate this, I hate myself for letting this happen. i hate him. I remember the emergency botton Kai gave me after I told the Butterflies about my past. They know I cut and have panic attacks and breakdowns. if I need them for anything I press that botton, so i did.

Kai's pov:

When I got home everybosy was their except Izuku. I waited for him and watched a movie. I checked the time and realized its been an hour and he still hasn't returned. We search the house top to bottom. heading back to the main room where everyone else had retreated to, the emergency botton was activated. I pressed the play botton so I can hear what ever was going on with my baby. Painful screams and groans filling the speaker on my phone. Then Izuku's voice "pl-please ss-s-top.. i-it hurts".

My eyes widen, my head shot up to my friends, all their eyes widen as well. No words exchanged we rushed to the car and Ameliah called the police, explaining everything. When we made it to school, the police was already there. We searched everywhere, they wanted to give up but then a loud bloody murder scream from the old floor from the 1900s. When raced down the stairs, making our way to the room.

I kicked the door down. My heart ached, seeing Izuku like this. Being forced like this again. Screaming for him to stop. I was frozen in place. Josh ran pass me and punched the guy in the face. I got out of my head and ran to Izuku. Liz had picked him up and wrapped him in her blanket. I took him from her and went outside. He told the police everthing that happened in a very quiet soft tone. His voice soundly gone. We went back home and Izuku walked up to his room, limping a little, closing and locking the door. We tried to coax him out but it was all silent sobs.

Izuku's pov:

When we got home I went start to my room, not speaking a word. I closed and locked the door and cried in my pillow. They tried to get me to talk or leave my room but I wouldn't. I took a shower and scrubed my body hard, trying to remove his touch. I felt like it ws my fault, i caused this, I hated myself. i dont deserve Kai. Im just not going to school for a while.

~timeskip and week~ Kai's pov:

Its been a week and he still wont talk to us or leave his room. Zach let me sleep with him. He's not eating either, everyday at 6:30 pm on the dot he showers, but the bathroom is in his room. 

Its Monday and we were about to leave for school when Izu came out the room dressed in sweats. He didnt say answer, or smile. His face flat when he pulled out a note that said 'im coming with' I was happy he was making progess. Even of he wasn't talking he was finally leaving the house. I went to go hug him, but he flinched and moved away. I guess we're not their yet, but it still made me sad. How could someone do that to such a sweet person.

We desided to stop at Starbucks before school, we got Izu's his regular and he drank it slowly. When we got to school we went straight to class. Izuku following in slowly. I sat down by the window and watched Izu's every move. he walked towards me and sat on my lap. He set his drink down and buried is face in my neck. They teacher came in and saw us and looked at us with pity. I guess she knows what happened. Great. 

(1024 words)

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