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Selina woke up at 7 am so she could get dressed and get some breakfast. She had to be as quiet as physically possible. No one knew about what she's doing all day and she didn't plan telling anyone.

She made her way over to the great hall to get some breakfast. Luckily, no one was around to see her.

She tried to imagine Draco in her shoes. The thought made her laugh a little. Draco have always relied on their father never once handeling something serious alone. He almost always snitches to dad. Selina on the other hand always took care of things herself. Telling dad didn't really help when she could do worse herself. She could be really scary when angered.

She sat down and ate some toast, cursing the twins the whole time. Her gaze was locked in the plate. Gosh, I'm too tired for this shit dammit, she thought. After she finished she leaned against the wall by the entrance, waiting for George and Fred. Ten past eight, two red heads made their way to her. They had an evil look on their face.

"You're late" Selina said looking them up and down.
"So? We're here now aren't we? Come on let's go" Fred said and she started following them. I will die if someone sees me, she thought.

They walked through the long stony corridors. Fred did not like the idea of this day. He thought it would be much better for all of them to ignore what happened. But NO George was too determined to make her do this. He wanted her to see another side of the wizarding world. Not just the dark stuff. Maybe he could make her like other wizards not just pure bloods. Maybe she would even help fight the dark lord. George could only hope and at least try.

They stopped in a dark hallway. Selina crossed her arms and looked with disgusted eyes at the two of them.

"The thing we are about to show you are something very very secret! We would get in so much trouble if a teacher found out. So if you don't tell about this then we won't tell about your secret." Fred said and looked seriously into her blue eyes.

She rolled her eyes at them. George couldn't help but think that it looked adorable. Her look didn't seem terrifying at all. If you look past her family name and reputation she's very beautiful. Pale skinned like porcelain, blue eyes like the ocean and long blond hair. George found himself looking at her too long. He snapped out of it before anyone would notice his odd behaviour.

"Fine! Just show me" Selina sighted. Fred did a quick nod at his brother. George pulled out a piece of paper out of his coat. It looked old. On the front was Hogwarts and a bunch of words which made no sense. She could read one thing. "Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot & Prongs are proud to present The MARAUDER'S MAP".

George opened this called map but it was no map inside of it. It was blank. She looked at the two of them with confusion. "Okey Weasley's what the bloody hell is this garbage?" Selina asked them.

A smirk formed on their lips. "You promise you won't snitch on us?" Fred asked her. She let out a sigh but mumbled yes. George put the tip of his wand on the so called map.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" George said clear and tapped the paper with the tip of his wand. Just like that the rooms and names of people in Hogwarts started appearing. Selina looked at it amazed.

"Why are you showing me this?" She asked them. "Because we need you to find professor Snape. Your job is to distract him while we sneak in to his inventory of potions" Fred said proudly at her. Selina raised her eyebrows at them. "You actually think I'll help you two baboons?" She sassed.

"Well yes of course unless you want us to spill your little secret" George threaten her. "You'll pay for this Weasleys" she said rolling her eyes once again.

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