meeting them

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I was going to hanging out with my best friend since Childhood, Emily Davis, so I jumped in the shower before getting out once I was clean

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I was going to hanging out with my best friend since Childhood, Emily Davis, so I jumped in the shower before getting out once I was clean. I dried my beautiful hair and ran a brush through my hair before I got dressed then headed to a local cafe were I was supposed to meet her. I was close enough to walk while she drove there. I walked inside and saw her sitting at a table waiting for me. I walked up to the counter and order then got my order before going over and sitting with her. I had ordered (Favorite drink) while she got a latte. We were talking and laughing until her phone buzzed signaling that she got a text. She opened the message before answering it. Once she had answered the message she returning her attention to me for a while until her phone went off again. She opened the message before looking at me "hey, my friends want to have a group hang out. Do you wanna come along?" She asked me. I looked at her and thought about it before saying "sure, why not. Sounds like fun" I responded. She smiled and responded to the message. "Come on then," she said getting up. I got up as well before following her to her car. She drove us to one of her friends' houses. We got out once she parked then we walked inside the house. "Hey guys, this is my friend (Y/n)" she said. I smiled and waved. They all introduced themselves to me going in the order of Sam, Mike, Jess, Beth, Chris, Matt, Josh, Hannah, and finally Ashley. I smiled softly at Ashley since she caught my eye the most.


I was hanging out with my best friend since Childhood and my older sister, Ashley Brown, we were at a local library to read a few great books

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I was hanging out with my best friend since Childhood and my older sister, Ashley Brown, we were at a local library to read a few great books. I had picked to read 'The Great Gatsby' since it was my favorite book. We were reading until her phone buzzed signaling that she got a text. She opened the message before answering it. Once she had answered the message she returning her attention to her book for a while until her phone went off again. She opened the message before looking at me "hey, my friends want to have a group hang out. Do you wanna come along?" She asked me. I looked at her and thought about it before saying "sure, why not. Sounds like fun" I responded. She smiled and responded to the message. "Come on then," she said getting up. I got up as well before following her to her car. She drove us to one of her friends' houses. We got out once she parked then we walked inside the house. "Hey guys, this is my Sister (Y/n)" she said. I smiled and waved. They all introduced themselves to me going in the order of sam, Mike, Jess, Beth, Matt, Emily, Josh, Hannah, and finally Chris. I smiled softly at him since he caught my eye but I knew my sister liked him.

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