becoming friends

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You became friends when you didn't make fun of her for being scared easily. You actually defended her from Mike, Jess, and Emily's teasing. She soon started trusting you since you didn't judge her.

I was invited to another friend hangout, I quickly noticed how Mike, Jess, and Emily were messing with Ashley and making fun of her for her being a scaredy cat. I quickly stepped in, I knew it wasn't my place but come on 3 against one is unfair and I was quickly backed up by Sam making it even numbers. After that me, Ashley, and sam hung out together more often.

You became friends when he stopped Mike from making fun of you. You guys started hanging out more since he actually understood you and shared intrest with you.

Mike was a bit of an ass which was no surprised but what got you was how confident he was that you had a crush on him. He teased you on and on about it when Chris stepped in and told Mike that if you were gonna have a crush on anyone it certainly wasn't going to be him.

You became friends when you were willing to do as she said but wasn't a pushover. You held your ground on certain things but for the most part was willing to do things for her if she asked nicely and soon developed into a friendship then she started returning that favor.

You had quickly noticed how much of a bossy person she was. You quickly put your foot down and only did things for her if she asked nicely. She was resistant at first and soon actually was nice and asked for stuff nicely and treating you like a friend. After developing a friendship she started doing things for you in return.

You became friends when he kept you safe from pervs at a party. He was the watchdog of the friend group and he was the drink holder. The guys hand tried to slip something into your drink but he punch the guy in the nose.

You were at a party with the group and while you weren't paying attention to your drink a guy from a random group had tried to slip something in your drink but Matt quickly punched the dude straight in the nose before he could.

You became friends when you helped her loosen up and have fun when she was sad. You understood her when nobody else did.

After the loose of Beth and Hannah, you could easily tell Sam was becoming worse so you did everything in your power to be around and cheer her up and be there for her.

You became friends when you went out of your way to talk to him and hang out with him after he lost his sisters. You became his rock and his light, you kept him grounded and sane.

You and Sam were the only ones other than Chris not in on the prank however you and Sam had actively been sober and tried to prevent the prank. You however were stubborn afterwards so no matter how much he tried to shove you away, you kept coming back to try and comfort him. He soon broke and let you in, you helped him and were there for him when nobody else was.

You became friends with her after she starting inviting you out more often since she loved dressing you up in different outfits.

You became quick friends, she loved taking you Shoping and dressing you up in different outfits for her to see on you which you actually enjoyed.

You became friends after he got a perv to back off from you. He was intimidating in sature so him standing behind you with a dark glare was enough to send a perv running.

You couldn't get rid of one persistent perv however you were confused when the dude suddenly left with a fearful expression until you turned around to see Mike was behind you with a dark look in his eyes. You appreciated it.

You became friends after you got Emily and Jess to leave her alone. You protected her from being hurt by the prank and told off the group for pulling something like that.

You became friends after you backed her up when she was defending Hannah. You also was the one who was able to stop Hannah from running out into the blizzard which beth was so grateful for.

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