12 | Just Like His Father

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As Harry walked around Hogsmeade, he couldn't help but feel distracted. He kept replaying the scene of Sirius running away from home. Harry felt defensive about Sirius when he saw how Astrid threatened him to never return. But he couldn't help but also pity the girl.

Harry couldn't imagine what it would have been like to see your brother running away, just to leave you and your younger brother with your insane parents.

The Golden Trio made their way back from Hogsmeade after Ron announced how uncomfortable he was from watching Ginny and Dean Thomas snog in the corner of the Three Broomsticks. While they were walking, they watched as Katie floated over the crowd and seemed to be bewitched from what was believed to be a cursed necklace. Soon after, the three students found themselves standing in front of Professor McGonagall.

"You're sure Katie did not have this in her possession when she entered the Three Broomsticks?" questioned Professor McGonagall to Katie Bells' friend, Leanne, after hearing what had happened to the girl.

"It's like I said," explained Leanne, "She left to go to the loo. And when she came back, she had the package. She said it was important that she deliver it."

"Did she say to whom?"

"To Professor Dumbledore," admitted Leanne as she looked at her Professor with tired eyes.

Professor McGonagall pitied the girl as she nodded her head before dismissing her. "Very well. Thank you, Leanne. You may go."

After the girl left, McGonagall found herself turning towards the trio. "Why is it when something happens, it is always you three?" It was no secret that during their past 6 years at Hogwarts, Harry, Ron, and Hermione always found them to be in the middle of every problem.

"Believe me, Professor," spoke Ron, "I've been asking myself the same question for six years."

McGonagall couldn't help but feel at a loss as she found herself turning towards her colleague. "Oh, Severus. What do you think?"

"I think Ms. Bell is lucky to be alive." Snape seemed to be unbothered and did not allow his emotions to show more than what he allowed to. He could not expose to the other four people in the room how much he knew.

"She was cursed, wasn't she?" Harry found himself pressuring on the topic trying to find an answer. "I know Katie. Off the Quidditch pitch, she wouldn't hurt a fly. If she was delivering that to Professor Dumbledore, she wasn't doing it knowingly."

"Yes, she was cursed." As McGonagall admitted to her students. She knew there was no point in hiding the fact from the trio after what they had seen.

Suddenly, Harry found himself blurting out in McGonagall's classroom "It was Malfoy".

Everyone turned to Harry in shock at his accusation. Hermione and Ron knew of Harry's suspicion of Draco being involved with the Death eaters but did not expect him to voice his opinions to their Professors. It was quite obvious that without proof, the Professors were not going to react well.

"That is a very serious accusation, Potter." Professor McGonagall was baffled by Harry's sudden accusation that Draco, a 16-year-old boy, would have the power to curse a Hogwarts student. But then again Harry had the same hotheaded personality, just like his father, so McGonagall was not too shocked.

"Indeed," stated Snape, "Your evidence?" Snape was not too surprised by Harry accusing Draco. Despite it being true, of course, Harry would likely blame his enemy for anything that happened in the school. A classic Potter trait.

"I just know." The more Harry talked, the more he realized that it may have not been the smartest idea to voice his opinion to his Professors, especially Snape.

"You "just" know." Snape looked at Harry, unfazed by how careless Harry can be at times. "Once again, you're astonished by your gifts, Potter. Gifts mere mortals can only dream of possessing. How grand it must be to be the Chosen One."

Sensing the tension forming between Harry and Snape, McGonagall cut their conversation short. "I suggest you go back to your dormitories. All of you."

With one look at Professor McGonagall's strict face, the trio found themselves turning and walking back to their dormitories.


Before heading to bed, Harry found himself in a peculiar conversation with Ron about Ginny and Dean Thomas. After being weirded out by Ron talking about Hermione's skin being nice, Harry decided it was best to end the conversation.

"I think I'll be going to sleep now," announced Harry, in hopes to end their awkward conversation.

"Right," Ron responded as he got comfy in his bed and drifted off to sleep.

After Harry knew Ron and all the other boys in the dorm have fallen asleep, he started to gather his things. After grabbing his invisibility cloak and his wand, Harry went to grab Astrid's diary before heading out of the dorm.

Harry was glad that no one was awake in the Gryffindor common room, as it made it easier for him to sneak out. After walking for 5 minutes, Harry found himself on the 7th floor and walked into the Requirement Room. Once he walked in, Harry was met with the same room he saw last time he was there to read the diary.

Harry once again sat on the couch in front of the fireplace before opening it to read the next entry in the diary.

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