The Out of Control Bludger

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Chapter 22: The Out of Control Bludger

Lucas sucked in a breath as he gazed, amazed, at the chamber. Despite its age, it held out well. Some areas had a bit of mould, but overall, it was well kept. 

  There was a lot of green and silver. Of course. Because it was the Slytherin house colours, and probably Salazar's favourite colours. The walls and floors were stone, like the rest of the castle, but it seemed warmer, somehow. Maybe a warming charm or just the fact that it was underground, therefore preventing any cold drafts. 

  The room looked like some sort of a lounge. It had a similar theme to the Slytherin Dungeons, with green and silver couches and chairs. Covering the floor, there was a green and silver carpet with a snake on it. There was also a fireplace, with crackling green flames that Lucas identified as Greek Fire. Wild and unextinguishable. Perfect for staying forever warm. Even if you burn up.

  Lucas walked past the room and entered another one. It looked like an office of some sort. There was the theme of green and silver again, but there was a dark oak desk, with parchment and quills on top. To the side, there was a large bookshelf set against the wall, filled with journals and textbooks. Candles were set on two corners of the desk, to provide light. Lucas wondered if it was possible to bring a lamp into the room to lighten it up.

  Lucas walked towards the bookshelf and carefully pulled a journal off the shelf, feeling as though the delicate binding would fall apart in his hands. The journal was just several pieces of parchment tied together, with a cover. On the cover, it was titled Construction of the Chamber, in neat handwriting.

  He flipped the book to the first page, being careful not to damage the book. Scrawled in neat handwriting, it said:

  Day One: Dug out space for the Chamber with the Gouging Charm. Planned out the layout and got materials. Included an office and space for Lyra.

 The writing continued, in what Lucas assumed was Salazar's handwriting. Lucas wondered who Lyra was. It must've been important if Salazar would put her name as the password and keep her in mind while constructing the Chamber.

  Lucas shook his head. "I should get back before they start looking for me," he mumbled. "Not they'd find me. It'd be a pain to explain, though. I'll come back on the weekend. More time."

  With that thought in mind, Lucas turned around and made his way out of the Chamber, taking great care in not getting caught.


Lucas had completely forgotten that there was a Quidditch Match on Saturday. Theo had to remind him about it.

  "You nervous?" he asked in the morning.



  "To lose? Yes!"

  Theo gave him a very unimpressed look. "Draco."

  "Theo," he mocked.

  "Oh, for the love of-" Theo sighed. "You are very infuriating."

  "Why, thank you!" Lucas smirked around a mouthful of eggs. He swallowed them, and said, "But really. I'm fine, Theo. Peachy."

  Theo stared at him. "I have no idea what that means."

  Lucas gasped in mock surprise. "Oh, you poor, uneducated child." He snickered at Theo's expression. "It's a Muggle expression, Theo. It means I'm fine."

  "Okay." Theo gave him a pointed look. "At least try. Because if you don't..." He paused for a dramatic effect. "... I'll kill you."

  Lucas rolled his eyes as he saw Flint gesture for everyone on the Quidditch Team to get up. "You can try," he told Theo.

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