Chapter 26: Another Attack
Despite his decision to find out what type of Dark object the diary was, Lucas ended up forgetting about it. Maybe it was because he was ADHD, or it was because of schoolwork. The point is, Lucas forgot about it, only to remember it again while working. Sometimes he really hated having ADHD. Sometimes it was handy, like in a fight, but usually, it was an inconvenience. He hated his inability to sit/stay still (more so his inability to keep friends due to accidentally annoying them).
And his inability to remember things. Especially his failure to remember things. If he actually managed to remember things, he would've got this done ages ago. He certainly wouldn't be thinking of this while writing his essay.
Lucas groaned lightly, letting his head fall on the sheet of parchment. At least he didn't have to worry about getting the ink smudged on his forehead. The ink from pens dried fast. It was almost instantly.
"Lucas, are you alright?" Hermione asked, peering at him.
"Peachy," he grumbled, lifting his head from the table. "I'm fine, really."
"You don't seem fine," Cedric noted.
"I am!" Lucas exclaimed. "I was just thinking."
"About what?" Hermione asked, frowning. "It must be something serious for you to have a reaction like that."
"It's not." Technically, finding out what the diary was was very important, but it was locked up. No one would get attacked. "I'm just annoyed at myself. Well, my memory. I don't have the best memory."
"Well, what is it?" Hermione asked.
"The attacks," Lucas said.
Hermione frowned again. "Do you know anything else about them?"
"Well, uh, the diary," he said, "the one that was controlling Ginny, it had a name on it. Tom Marvolo Riddle.
"Anyway, I had a dream around the time of Duelling Club. I think it was in December? Um, I'm pretty sure I'm a seer? I mean, I get these dreams that always come true."
"Really?" Hermione asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I saw you, Potter, and Weasley going down the trapdoor last year," Lucas stated bluntly. "So yes, I'm pretty sure I'm a seer. Anyway, the Chamber of Secrets was opened sixty-two years ago by Tom Marvolo Riddle - who happens to be the owner of that diary."
"How do you know?" Hermione asked.
At the same time, Cedric said, "Did you get this from Lyra?" However, he had spoken too loud - Madam Pince had heard him and held her finger to her lips.
Lucas snorted. "Yeah," he said, making sure to keep his voice low. "She basically described him to me. Black hair, pale skin, dark eyes, the whole shebang."
"The what?" Cedric asked.
Lucas sighed. "The whole nine yards? Have any of you heard of these phrases before? No?" He huffed out a breath. "Έτσι, αυτό δεν χρησιμοποιήθηκε στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο," he muttered. "It means the whole thing."
"Oh," Cedric said. "Haven't heard that slang before."
For the third time that day, Hermione frowned, furrowing her eyebrows. "Who's Lyra?"
Lucas gulped. No. No, no, no. He was not going there. He was not explaining who Lyra was, and he certainly wasn't going to tell her that he was a Parselmouth. Nope, not doing it. He would rather face every single monster in the world at once before admitting he was a Parselmouth. Maybe a few years later, he would, but not this year. He'd say it when no one would accuse him of being the one to open the Chamber and starting the attacks.

The Other Castellan
FanfictionDraco Malfoy was hiding. Not from the Gryffindors, not even Voldemort himself. No. He was hiding the truth from everyone. Born in America, being a Half-Blood, growing up with his insane mother, the younger brother to Luke Castellan, the best swordsm...