Oh Look, A New Kid

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Chapter 30: Oh Look, A New Kid


"Son of Aphrodite."


"Is this a trick question? He had no godly parents, though Hermes was his maternal great-grandfather."

"Fine," Luna said, sighing. "You caught me. Though it's pretty surprising that you can name it back that far."

"Well, we are related," Lucas muttered.

"Every demigod is related one way or another," Luna said, brushing him off.

Lucas rolled his eyes. Ah, yes. The annoyance of being family with everyone in the goddamn camp. Which meant being related to bullies like the children of Ares. What a happy little family.

They continued chatting for a bit before everyone got up and bowed. Lucas and Luna followed suit, having seen Chiron.

Chiron left, and they all stopped bowing. They stared at the boy standing beside Annabeth. Lucas thought that he reminded him a bit of Potter. He wasn't as scrawny, but he had the same messy black hair, though his hair looked more windswept. Potter's hair was more like a bedhead. The kid's eyes weren't framed with glasses, but they were still green. Well, his eyes were sea-green instead of emerald green. Okay, so they weren't too alike. The kid definitely wasn't as scrawny, though he wasn't muscular either. But if you didn't pay too much attention, he looked like a copy of Potter with no glasses.

"Well?" Annabeth asked the new camper. "Go on."

Naturally, the newcomer tripped coming in, making a fool of himself. Lucas snickered along with his cabinmates, wondering if it would be possible to rig something so that every time someone walks in, they trip. He'd have to ask Luna later when they're alone. He could use magic here. Camp Half-Blood technically didn't exist.

"Percy Jackson, meet Cabin Eleven," Annabeth announced.

"Regular or undetermined?" Lucas asked.

Percy looked completely lost, but Annabeth said, "Undetermined."

Groans echoed through the cabin. Lucas didn't groan, but couldn't help but sigh in disappointment as he leaned onto the wall, frustrated. He glared at the ceiling, cursing the gods. Why couldn't they claim their bloody kids for once?

Lucas watches as his brother stands up, going forward. "Now, now, campers," Luke said. "That's what we're here for. Welcome, Percy. You can have that spot on the floor, right over there."

"This is Luke," Annabeth said, sounding a bit breathless. "He's your counsellor for now."

Lucas rolled his eyes. Oh, great. The Crush. Right. He had forgotten about that. Really? She was twelve. He was... sixteen. Okay, so maybe the age gap wasn't too big. Four years wasn't too big. But Luke had been... infatuated with Thalia. Lucas was willing to bet that if Thalia had lived, they would've been dating by now.

"For now?" Percy asked, with his eyebrows furrowed. He looked utterly lost.

"You're undetermined," Luke explained, with no sign of annoyance. How did he put up with this, again and again? "They don't know what cabin to put you in, so you're here. Naturally, we would. Hermes, our patron, is the god of travellers."

Ah, yes. Hermes, god of travellers, thieves, messengers, roads, merchants, trade, sports, load, border crossings, thoughts, and communication. Why did gods have to have so many titles?

Percy seemed lost in thought. He stared at the spot that he had been assigned, and he made an aborted move to set the horn in his hand down, but from what Lucas could see, ultimately decided against it, which was probably smart. Most children of Hermes were kleptomaniacs.

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