Eight | Discussion At The Dining Table

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Iida and Shigaraki were invited inside, Katsuki and Izuku took them to the dining room to discuss the war. Kirishima soon joined since he woke up from the noise that was outside, so they decided to have breakfast first. After eating, Katsuki got straight to the point.

"Tell me about this war," Katsuki demanded as he glared at Iida.

"I don't know a whole lot about the war, I've heard a few things from the times' prince Shoto and princess Momo talked about it in front of me," Iida said as Izuku cut in.

"Princess Momo is in on this?" Izuku asked and Iida nodded.

"Yes, they're working together on it," Iida told him.

"What's their main goal for this war?" Katsuki asked.

"You're not going to like it," Iida said as a caution.

"Don't care, tell me," Katsuki demanded.

"Well, princess Momo wants her dragons back and she only got this wish because... prince Shoto wants Midoriya back," Iida said and immediately Katsuki stood up and hit the table making Izuku jump.

"THAT DAMN HALF AND HALF BASTARD WILL NEVER GET IZUKU!" Katsuki yelled as Kirishima quickly stood up and ran to Katsuki.

"Calm down Bakubro, Iida's kind enough to tell us this ahead of time. Now that he's told us, we can make a plan to protect Midoribro and all the dragons, right?" Kirishima said to calm the hothead blonde.

"Right," Katsuki said as he sat down. Izuku quickly reached out and took the blonde's hand in his as reasurement. "I do have a question though."

"That is?" Iida asked as he looked at the blonde.

"Why are you with him?" Katsuki asked as he pointed to Shigaraki. He did recognize the almost white-haired male from when Toya attacked him a few years ago, but he also knew him from the rebel town's records.

"Um..." Iida wasn't sure if he was allowed to tell them about the deal they made. He looked at Shigaraki, the almost white-haired male understood what the bluenette was asking.

"We made a deal, I did the same with Dabi. Now that Dabi's deal has been finished I now made a deal with Iida, to get him away from Shoto. Need me to explain more?" Shigaraki asked after his short explanation.

"No, it's at least somewhat clear. You just better not have any second intentions while in my kingdom," Katsuki stated as he glared at Shigaraki. Shigaraki raised his hands and shook his head signalling that he doesn't have any second intentions.

"May I ask a question? For you and Iida?" Izuku asked, Iida nodded and soon did Shigaraki. "Iida you seem panicked, I've never seen you panicked no matter the situation you were put in. I would like to know what's going on and I want to know the deal you had with Dabi, if you can share it," Izuku looked between Iida and Shigaraki as he spoke.

Katsuki looked at the greenette impressed by his questions, he had similar ones but wasn't planning to ask them until later. Iida obviously became more panicked after Izuku's question, everyone noticed this and of course it made them more curious. "I shall tell you everything, the deal I had with Dabi ties into Iida's panicked state," Shigaraki complied, he knew he was in a kingdom and it would just be easier to comply than try to change the topic.

"The deal I had with Dabi was to assist him in killing his father and give him the power to do so. If you can put two and two together you can figure out why Iida is so panicked," Shigaraki said as he stared at the greenette. He knew that Izuku would put two and two together faster than the king and the redhead.

"The deal has been completed and Iida is panicked about the whole thing, it only adds up to one answer," Izuku mumbled to himself. He looked up at the two guests, "king Enji is dead," Izuku said loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

"Correct," Shigaraki said and instantly Katsuki's and Kirishima's eyes widened.

"But why? Why would Dabi want to kill king Enji?" Katsuki questioned, he knew Toya was king Enji's eldest son but he didn't know the reason why the eldest Todoroki son ran away.

"Care to tell the story?" Shigaraki asked as he looked at the greenette.

Izuku sighed before he started the story, "Toya Todoroki, the firstborn of the Todoroki kingdom and the rightful heir to the throne. Was abused by king Enji. King Enji had high expectations for Toya since he was the next in line for the throne, but Toya couldn't handle the abuse. He ran away one night, after a mild search for Toya king Enji gave up and announced him dead. Although Shoto was young he believed that Toya was still out there, then one day when Shoto was twelve Toya approached him. Shoto never gave me the details on where and how but after that they kept contact with each other."

"It's no wonder he would want to do that," Kirishima stated after being quiet for quite a long time. "I wonder how prince Shoto and his other siblings feel after getting the news."

Kirishima's statement made Iida's eyes widen and Katsuki took notice of this, "Oi, four-eyes. Is there something more?"

Iida got himself together for a moment before he responded to the blonde, "there is more to the plan of killing king Enji than what Shigaraki briefly told you," Iida stated. Everyone went quiet to listen to the bluenette, "prince Shoto brought Dabi to the castle to kill king Enji. Even if Dabi killed king Enji he wouldn't want the throne and prince Natsuo and princess Fuyumi have thrones in other kingdoms. So the throne will go to prince Shoto, meaning he can do what he desires most. A war to get Midoriya back."

Izuku's hands went over his mouth, he was surprised by what he just heard. He knew Shoto was persistent, just not persistent enough to get rid of people in his path. It scared the greenette knowing that Shoto pretty much killed him father to get him, Izuku quickly leaned over to the blonde. He hid his face in Katsuki's chest, he was on the brink of tears.

"Damn it, that fucking bastard needs to learn to stay in his fucking lane! Going as far as getting his father killed to get the throne, he's such a fucking loser! If he wants a fucking war! I'll give him a fucking war that he'll lose in!" Katsuki shouted as he rubbed Izuku's back to comfort him.

"Uh... Bakubro you're forgetting something," Kirishima said and this made Katsuki look at him.


"We're a new kingdom and they've been around longer than us... logically speaking who has a stronger army?"

"...Fuck, they do."


Bakugou has his blonde moments and a big happy birthday to him too😂 Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word count: 1165

War | Sequel To I Met Him In The Wastelands | A BakuDeku Story |Where stories live. Discover now