Twenty | The Mighty Kingdom

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A month and a half had passed since the war Shoto Todoroki started, things were going well for Katsuki. After the first week in a wheelchair, he started his training on walking again, it was frustrating for him but he was able to walk after a month. Sadly he couldn't walk for a long time without a cane, Chiyo said that if he continues to walk with the cane he can slowly regain his strength.

So, he's been walking with a cane for two weeks and Izuku never left his side, it was a precaution since he didn't want the blonde to hurt himself if he tripped. Katsuki didn't mind having the greenette by him, it was just more time with the one he loves. Overall, the blonde was happier.

Katsuki sat at his desk doing some paperwork, Izuku slammed open the door with a large smile on his face. "Mind knocking?" Katsuki asked as he was focused on the paper he was working on.

"Nope, I'm your fiance I don't have to. Anyway, I have a scroll for you," the greenette placed the scroll on his desk and waited for the blonde to open it. He sighed as he grabbed the scroll, he opened it and began to read. Izuku pouted, "Read it out loud Kacchan!"

"Fine, it's from Toshinori Yagi and it reads; King Bakugou of the dragon kingdom, my coronation is ten days from when this scroll arrives at your kingdom. It would mean a lot if you would come, I also want to ask for your help. This kingdom isn't very stable and I see how stable yours is after just being rebuilt, your leadership has guided your kingdom to success. I would like your assistance in what I can do for this kingdom, to bring it back. We'll have a room for you and prince Midoriya if you need to stay for a while, there will also be another room for your dragon. It would be an honor if you just came, you don't have to accept helping me though. I look forward to your answer, Toshinori from the noble Yagi family," Katsuki read.

"See! I told you Mr. Yagi isn't a bad choice, he even wants your help. He wants help from the kingdom that the previous rulers went to war with twice, I think he's trying to make things right between our kingdoms," Izuku said happily.

"I can't deny that must be his intentions but he must also need the help, do you know how unstable the war kingdom is?" Katsuki asked as he looked at his freckled fiance.

"It was pretty unstable from the last time I was there, many live on the streets, many abandoned homes and stores, lots of crime too. I don't know what it must be like now without a ruler," Izuku said as Katsuki nodded along.

"Can you get a scroll for me, Izu?" Izuku nodded and grabbed a blank scroll from the shelf beside him. He gave the blonde the scroll, Katsuki started writing on it. Izuku waited for him to finish, it wasn't long until he rolled up.

"What did you write?" Izuku asked as the scroll was handed to him.

"I said that we'll come to the coronation but I need to discuss with him further about assisting his kingdom," Katsuki said and Izuku nodded. "Can you give that to our messenger and come back? I need a distraction, too much work." Izuku smiled and quickly left the room, he gave the scroll to the messenger and ran back inside.

He goes back inside Katsuki's office and closed the door, "What kind of distraction do you want Kacchan?" Izuku asked as he walked around the blonde's desk.

"Just come here," Katsuki grabbed the greenette's small waist and pulled him to him. Izuku chuckled as he sat on the blonde's lap, Katsuki started kissing all over Izuku's freckled neck. He then connected their lips into a passionate kiss, but the opening of the office door made them pull apart.

"Ugh! Go to the bedroom for that you two! This an office, AN OFFICE! I need bleach!" Kirishima shouted as he left while closing the door behind him. Katsuki and Izuku look at each other and laugh at the redhead's amusing reaction.

"Are we going to listen to him?" Izuku asked and Katsuki shook his head no.

"I'm a king, I don't have to listen to him and this is MY office," Katsuki said as he pulled the greenette into another passionate kiss.


Kirishima flew to the previous Todoroki kingdom, Izuku was a bit nervous to enter the castle again but this time he had Katsuki by his side. Kirishima landed, Katsuki and Izuku got off him, a servant quickly runs up to them as Kirishima turns to his human form. "Hello, you must be king Bakugou and prince Midoriya with your dragon Kirishima, correct?" the servant said in a cheery tone.

"Yes," Katsuki quickly replied.

"Great, follow me and I'll take you to your seats for the coronation," the servant took them into the castle. Izuku looked around at all the familiar architecture, he then took Katsuki's hand in his and the blonde responded by holding the greenette's hand tighter. The servant opened the door to the coronation room, many were already there. They took the three to the front row, "This is where Mr. Yagi asked you three to be seated, the ceremony will begin soon."

The servant took off as the three sat down, Katsuki leaned over to Izuku. "Are you alright?" Katsuki asked since he knew being back in the castle must bring up bad memories. Izuku nodded. The servant was right, the ceremony began and Toshinori walked in. Katsuki was shocked to see how muscular and tall he was, he was expecting just a regular guy.

After the ceremony, the now king Toshinori, had some words to share with everyone in the room. "As we all know the Todoroki family that has ruled this kingdom for generations are now out of power, which means this kingdom needs to restart with the Yagi family. I will do my hardest to bring our kingdom back and I feel that in order to do that we need a new name, we shall no longer be called the war kingdom but instead, we will be the mighty kingdom," once he finished his speech many cheered.

Katsuki and Izuku applauded him, everyone started to leave the room and Toshinori walked over to Katsuki and Izuku. "You must be king Bakugou and prince Midoriya, it's a pleasure to meet you both. Oh, and you as well Kirishima," Toshinori politely said with a bow.

"We are on even ground king Toshinori, you don't need to bow to me," Katsuki responded.

"That's right, it'll take some getting used to. Now, what would you like to talk about so I can get your help?" Katsuki and Toshinori got to business so Izuku and Kirishima decided to join the after-party in the dining hall.

"Wow, I use to hate this place," Izuku said as he looked around the room.

"I thought you hated the whole castle?" Kirishima asked and the greenette chuckled.

"I do, I just hate this room and two other rooms the most," Izuku said and Kirishima nodded not wanting to push Izuku to say anything. It wasn't long until Toshinori and Katsuki came to the dining room, the whole room applauded.

"I have a great announcement! King Bakugou has agreed to assist me in stabilizing this kingdom," many in the room cheered and Izuku walked up to Katsuki.

"You agreed?" Izuku asked since Katsuki was very hesitant before.

"Yes, I think it'll also benefit us," the blonde said.

"Prince Midoriya, I know this may be wrong but... have I met you before?" Toshinori asked as he looked at the greenette.

"You have, you may not recognize me though. You should read Shoto's trial report, all the information is in there," Izuku said as Katsuki took him to the food. Toshinori was confused as to why information about Izuku would be on the trial report, yet he noted to read it when he gets the chance.

Word count: 1371

War | Sequel To I Met Him In The Wastelands | A BakuDeku Story |Where stories live. Discover now