Thirteen | So It Begins

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"It's lonely out here," Katsuki said as he stared up and the clear blue sky. He looked to his side and found his horse eating grass, "You're not like Kirishima so that makes you no fun..." Katsuki looked back up at the sky. He let out a deep breath... he then grabbed a map.

He scanned the map, "How can anyone read these damn things! Navigating from the sky is so much easier than the ground," Katsuki bunched up the map and threw it. He sat up and looked at his horse that was looking back at him, "I came all this way to find the stupid Todoroki kingdom and I'm lost... this was a bad fucking idea."

The horse continued to stare at Katsuki, "I should've just stayed at the kingdom, I would've gotten to the bastard that way and stayed with Izu. I made a stupid decision, right horse?" Katsuki stared at the horse that just snorted back at him, "Thank you for your words of wisdom dumb horse."

Katsuki sighed then looked around himself, he already knew he had forgotten the feeling he now felt. It was a distant feeling that he hasn't felt in a long time but there was another feeling also present. That feeling, he knew it too well.

He felt lonely, the last time he felt lonely was when Kirishima and Izuku were taken away from him. He knew why he felt lonely, he knew he could fix it. But he didn't feel like he deserved it, he didn't feel like he could be in the presence of anyone. 

He felt like Izuku would be disappointed in him, he felt like Kirishima wouldn't want to be his dragon anymore. He felt like his kingdom would throw him away, there was so much on his shoulders that weighed him down from going back. But he knew it was what he had to do, yet...

He felt hopeless, he had felt this way too often for someone who wants to marry the love of his life, who rebuilt his burnt down kingdom, and who was just crowned a king. Hopelessness was all the blonde could feel, he hated it but he just felt like if he were to try and get rid of it... he would bring the one he loves into it.

The last thing the blonde wanted was for Izuku to lose his smile but what he didn't know was that the greenette already lost his smile. Without Katsuki by his side, the greenette felt like there was no point to his smile if the blonde wasn't there to return the smile.

Katsuki stared off at the open field in front of him, he was reflecting everything he has ever done. The good and the bad. It felt like a flood as the memories washed over him. "Shit." He saw a large fireball in the air, Kirishima's signal for the start of the war.

Katsuki got up as fast as he could and ran over to his horse, he hopped on the horse. He quickly took off in the direction he saw the fireball come from, he made his horse go as fast as it could. "Damn it, I have to be there for my kingdom... if only I didn't get lost."


Izuku watched as the dragon kingdom's army stopped a distance away from the Todoroki kingdom's army. Izuku's nerves grew as he stared at the size of Shoto's army, "He has such a huge army... we're screwed," Izuku mumbled to himself.

"Where's your ruler?" Shoto shouted at all the commanders in the front row. Izuku quickly wrote on the scroll, 'Tell him it doesn't concern him.'

Izuku then heard a commander shout what he wrote, Shoto chuckled a bit... he was amused. "Is your king hiding away, what a shame. And I thought that he would be in the fight, now you all just look weaker," Shoto shouted and before Izuku could write anything a new voice appeared.

"They're not weak, they've got me now," Izuku saw Toya Todoroki step in front of all the commanders, blue flames present in his hands.

"Toya! What are you doing?" Shoto shouted when he saw his brother, he was pissed to see what side he was on.

War | Sequel To I Met Him In The Wastelands | A BakuDeku Story |Where stories live. Discover now