Chapter 5

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~Three weeks later~
I was really sore. Dana and I played basketball for 4 straight hours. When I woke up, he was still asleep, so I quickly changed:

 When I woke up, he was still asleep, so I quickly changed:

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and dashed out the door. I left a note with him telling him that I had to run errands today.


I then went to Cynthia's cafe to meet up with them. When I walked in, Cynthia came over.

"Hey! You're just in time! You can meet my workers!" She said gesturing to 3 girls.

"This is Kayla, she bakes all the cupcakes and small pastries! That's Emily, she bakes all the cakes! And this is Thanh! She makes the smoothies and drinks!" She said.

"What do you do?" I ask.

"I make the cold pastries like flan, jello, and all that." She said.

Then Talia and Michelle came in. Talia sat down at one of the tables and yelled "Someone get me something!"

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Talia just came back from her date with Carter." Michelle explained.

"He's such a fucking ass! I don't like him that way!" Talia yelled.

"What did he do?" Kayla asked.

"He gave me flowers and took me canoeing under the cherry blossoms. Does he even know me?! I'm not a girlie girl!" Talia yelled.

Cynthia came over with a few pastries and Emily and Thanh followed.

"That doesn't seem so bad..." Cynthia said.

Talia glowered at her.

"He treated me like a fucking girl! Does he not know I hate things like that?!" She yelled throwing a plate which hit a running thief on the outside.

Cynthia hid behind me. We calmed her down after that.

"We were partners for 4 years. He should know me by now, but instead he mocks me." Talia said.

"Maybe he was nervous..." I murmured.

They all turned to me.

"I mean, I have known Carter for a long time and he's not usually around girls other than me and my friend, but every time he meets a girl he likes, he would get so nervous that he would insult her in some way by accident." I said.

Then Talia said "Shit. I should probably apologize for beating him up then."

We all looked at her.

"What? I was pissed. I wasn't going to let him off the hook!" She said.

We all laughed as the guys came in.

"Hey guys!" Cameron called.

We all looked over and cringed. I saw Dana so I practically ran behind the counter to hide. Moments later, Emily appeared next to me.

"Emily? What are you doing back here?" I asked.

"I was about to ask the same thing!" She said.

"I'm hiding from my husband." I said.

She peeked from behind the counter and once she did, she ducked back down.

"So why are you back here?" I asked.

"Because... I like tivtftycyCameronbygyguct" She mumbled.

"What?" I asked.

"Because...because I have a crush on Cameron, but he only sees me like a younger sister." She said.

That sounds like... Dana and I! How adorable! I was about to say something to help her when I hear him say "Found you, baby!"

I looked up and saw Dana. Crap!

"NOOOO!!!" I yelled and sprinted out of the cafe and towards the pier.

But knowing Dana, he caught up to me.

"Let's go play football!" He said.

I started backing away, but then my heel snapped and I started to fall off the pier...again.

"VIVIAN!" Dana yelled and he caught me just in time.

We both fell back onto the deck. We looked at each other and he then flicked my forehead.

"OW! What the heck-" I started, but then he hugged me.

"You idiot. My life flashed before my eyes! What if you fell in and drowned before I could get to you?!" He said.

He was hugging my so tightly that I couldn't breathe.

"S...sorry..." I said.

That's when I heard their voices.

"You guys just love showing your love in public!" They said. I turned and gasped.

It was Kaila, Jennifer, Kanika, and the guys! Dana and I ran to them and we all collided with hugs. It was good to see them!

"Dana forced me to play sports with him because we lost laser tag." I complained to my girls.

Jennifer then yelled "Oh hell no! Dana you have to do romantic and nice things together! This is your honeymoon for Pete's sake, not the Olympics training!"

Then Dana said "Hey a deal is a deal!"

The guys agreed with him.

"But show some mercy at least!" Kaila exclaimed.

Dana then smiled.
"I'm kidding. I was going to end the deal today anyways." He said.

I sighed in relief. Finally.


That evening, my girls and I went out to eat at a restaurant and did some catching up while the guys played sports.

"OH MY GOD. REALLY?!?!!" I exclaimed.

The whole restaurant turned and looked at me. I sat down and slid down my seat in embarrassment. Kanika nodded smiling.

"How long has it been?!" Kaila asked.

"It's only been a month, but I need a way to tell Will!" Kanika said.

We all squealed. Kanika is like our older sister, and she's going to have a baby! We then went shopping to think of ideas of how to tell Will. He is going to be so surprised!


That night, while Dana was asleep, I was looking at multiple devices. My laptop, our ipad, and my phone. I wanted to help Kanika tell Will, but I also needed to help Emily and Cameron and to help Talia and Carter. I sighed and leaned back on my pillow. So many love problems (Except for Kanika) I shook my head. I have to do this. After an hour of researching, I finally found the solutions to their problems! I texted my friends the plans while silently cheering. Then I turned off all my devices, gave a kiss goodnight to Dana and fell asleep. Let tomorrow be a day filled with love.

I Give You my Love (Book II)Where stories live. Discover now